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Where can we find out the course videos other than coursera?
Is there anywhere we can find out the course videos other than coursera. it appears the course is not available on coursera anymore. Thank you!
Thanks for the interest to the course! The university is working on making the course available elsewhere, but unfortunately I don't have any timelines on that (and I don't even have the videos myself, since they were edited and uploaded to Coursera directly by the university staff, and coursera wouldn't let me to download them back).
Hello, I was wondering if there is any update on the availability of the course videos? Was very disappointed to find that it's not on Coursera anymore!
Hi! I think it should be available here now:
In particular this course: You'll have to create an account (sorry for the Russian UI)
Hi @Bihaqo , Thanks for sharing the link! However, it only gives access to the first two weeks of the course and shows limited access for the others(No video access), only accessible after payment. Do you know if I can audit the course or would it be possible for me to access the videos elsewhere?
@BrendanDriscoll @ruyi101 Wanted to know if you were able to find the course videos anywhere. Thanks!
Hi @Bihaqo, any update on the course? I wanted to know if the course is made available elsewhere. If not, wanted to know if we could access all the course materials on the link you shared after payment. The UI looks a little confusing, and I wanted to confirm if it would enable access to the materials after making the payment.
Hi! I just checked and there is no audit mode and apparently you can't pay for the course without a Russian passport :( This is ridiculous, but unfortunately I don't have the videos anywhere to share (they were uploaded by the university directly to coursera). Really sorry about it and thank you for being so persistent at trying to learn!