Marcin Juszkiewicz

Results 63 comments of Marcin Juszkiewicz

I know how to find it. I am asking more about URL I can give to wget and have it always fetch latest build.

Thanks. In meantime I will look at building it on my own then (have to build numpy due to anyway). Where I can find your build script?

I can build images on arm64. I can use ansible on arm64. I can not deploy from arm64 to other arm64 because registry image is x86-64 only ;(

@dansta rpi3 can run arm64 kernel and userspace for quite long time.

I discussed that with Pypi devs some time ago on irc. Whole service depends on whatever authors upload. So if we want non-x86 wheels then we need to convince authors...

And when it comes to what to use as a minimal... I think that Debian jessie is sensible minimum. Eventually CentOS 7. Older releases did not supported arm64.

@takluyver for ARMv7 it should follow 'armhf' defined by Debian/Fedora/etc distros. No NEON, -vfp3d16. AArch64 (aka arm64) is simpler - just gcc defaults. And target Debian/jessie or Debian/stretch as minimal...

> It would be more convenient if the arm manylinux image was based on the same OS as the x86_64 image. Some times I need to install additional build tools...

As TensorFlow 2.6-rc2 now requires tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem I am working on building it for AArch64 as part of Linaro TensorFlow builds. has aarch64 tensorflow-io packages if someone needs. versioned as "0.20.0" but they are git HEAD ones.