nvim-cmp copied to clipboard
Possible missing documentation on "cmp-config.view"
Currently, the possible configurations are:
Probably just this: https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/wiki/Menu-Appearance#menu-type
I'll organize the configuration schema.
Is there a way to target the highlight color of the border? My colorscheme doesn't have a distinct enough menu background so I use the border to help but I'd love to make it a bit more faint.
It seems nothing. It should be requested to neovim itself.
After digging around the source I found the following and traced it back to where I could set it.
window = {
completion = cmp.config.window.bordered({
winhighlight = 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:Visual,Search:None'
documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered(),
So I can pass my own winhighlight
in and relink the FloatBorder to get what I want.
Oh, it seems implemented