The vim's key-mapping is global. So I have no solution for this problem...
### source[n].max_item_count is removed This is minor breaking change. The `source[n].max_item_count` is now removed. Now `performance.max_view_entries` can be used for performance.
I think now `cmp-vsnip` solves this issue... (maybe)
Sorry. I lost this issue. The above comment is informative. I'll try to check this. Other comments, I can't guess anything. Sorry.
I tried with `tpope/vim-eunuch` but it doesn't display recursive broken mapping.
It was fixed. Thank you for your reports.
Very good idea. The video is very useful.
I have no jdtls environment. If someone can provide reproducible steps with another LS, it might be helpful.
Thank you. I close tjis at the moment.
Thank you for your review. Nice to hear that this PR is an acceptable change. I noticed that the test is failing. I will fix it.