cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help copied to clipboard
Possibility to disable automatic signaturehelp?
With other sources, cmp does not preselect the top menu item, and thus does not reveal the documentation until I select it. With this plugin, whenever entering parameters, the entire function documentation is shown. I would like to be able to achieve the default behavior with this plugin. That is, when typing parameters, the cmp menu appears with the name of the current parameter, and if I select this item, then the signaturehelp appears. Is this possible with some configuration?
Thank you in advance, and for the wonderful plugin work here!
preselect = cmp.PreselectMode.None
in the cmp.setup configures this behaviour for me - - "How to disable the preselect feature?"
cmp.setup {
preselect = cmp.PreselectMode.None