Miro Hrončok

Results 305 comments of Miro Hrončok

> Can you link to where that error is generated? Not sure what you mean exactly. The output/traceback i get is: ``` + /usr/bin/python3 -m gevent.tests Traceback (most recent call...

> But Cython was built on a previous Python release, let me try to rebuild that one on b3 as well if it makes a difference. No difference.

``` $ rg 'may indicate binary incompatibility' /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python311/root/ /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python311/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/python-gevent-21.12.0-2.fc37.x86_64/usr/src/debug/python-gevent-21.12.0-2.fc37.x86_64/src/gevent/_generated_include/TypeImport_impl_d5cd5554eec5ba197a2a05afc9fb56ba.h 35: "%.200s.%.200s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. " 42: "%.200s.%.200s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. " 49: "%s.%s size...

We already had: ``` # Force re-cythonizing the sources rm $(grep -rl '/\* Generated by Cython') ``` I've added: ``` rm src/gevent/_generated_include/* ``` Still getting the same error. I am...

If I eliminate the gcd import, I get: ``` $ cp /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/python-gevent-21.12.0-2.fc37.x86_64/usr/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/gevent/_gevent_cgreenlet.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so . $ python3 Python 3.11.0b3 (main, Jun 1 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 12.1.1 20220507 (Red Hat 12.1.1-1)] on linux...

This is generated by Cython: ```c __Pyx_ImportType(__pyx_t_2, "types", "CodeType", sizeof(PyCodeObject), __Pyx_ImportType_CheckSize_Warn); ``` Hence, the code in https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/6ac2422b48b689b021a48dff9ee14095232baafe/Cython/Utility/ImportExport.c#L515 and further more or less does: ```c result = PyObject_GetAttrString(PyImport_ImportModule("types"), "CodeType"); basicsize =...

In Python 3.11.0b3: ```c PyObject *result; result = PyObject_GetAttrString(PyImport_ImportModule("types"), "CodeType"); return PyLong_FromLong(((PyTypeObject *)result)->tp_basicsize); ``` Returns 160. ```c return PyLong_FromLong(sizeof(PyCodeObject)); ``` Returns 168. No extra headers, just pure CPython. So either...

Apparently `PyCodeObject` is `types.CodeType`: ```c PyCodeObject *result = PyCode_NewEmpty("", "", 0); return (PyObject*)result; ``` ```pycon >>> import types >>> type(reporoducer.gimme_pycodeobject()) is types.CodeType True ```

Thanks! If I do that ([itemsize.patch](https://github.com/gevent/gevent/files/8834098/itemsize.txt) for Cython 0.29.30), the next problem is: ``` AttributeError: module 'types' has no attribute '_PyInterpreterFrame' ``` Which is indeed true, `ctypedef class types._PyInterpreterFrame [object...

Was this ever solved?