> Thank you very much for your reply! I am trying using all raw ont reads to assemble non-hap to verify if some reads missing because of triocanu. And planning...
> Just try to use the default value to see how about the result, first. Thanks! Dr.Hu, I am trying readcut 1K first!
Hi, I am also want to know how to covert low quality variant site to invariant site. I see a pipeline seems can keep invariant sites but filtered low quality...
> Same here. Did you figure out the reason? > > thanks, Cui Hi, I finally used ANGSD to Calculate Dxy.
> This is a bug, and the current solution is to roll back to pixy 1.2.5 (all calculations are unchanged relative to the current version). Thanks for your reply! I...
> I also have this problem! It seems like a bug.
> > > This is a bug, and the current solution is to roll back to pixy 1.2.5 (all calculations are unchanged relative to the current version). > > >...