tt-rss-newsplus-plugin copied to clipboard
Tiny-Tiny-RSS plugin to allow two way synchronization with the News+ Android app
TT-RSS News+ plugin
This is a plugin for Tiny-Tiny-RSS web based news feed reader and aggregator.
It adds a new API (getCompactHeadlines) to allow (faster) two-way synchronzation between an instance of TT-RSS and the News+ Android app.
The plugin requires (at least) version 1.8 of Tiny-Tiny-RSS.
API Reference
Returns a JSON-encoded list of IDs of headlines matching the input parameters.
- feed_id (integer/string) - only output articles for this feed (see below)
- limit (integer) - limits the amount of returned articles (see below)
- skip (integer) - skip this amount of feeds first
- view_mode (string = all_articles, unread, adaptive, marked, updated)
- since_id (integer) - only return articles with id greater than since_id
- Limit: contrary to the standard getHeadlines API call, there is no hardcoded limit. If not specified, the default is set to 20.
- feed_id: feeds between -10 and 0 have a special meaning.
- 0: archived
- -1: starred
- -2: published
- -3: fresh
- -4: all articles
- -6: recently read
- IDs < -10: labels
- textual feed_id: browsing by tags
To install this plugin you can either clone the repository or download a zip file, then extract it in your own tt-rss/plugin/ directory.
You should have a new "api_newsplus" directory under plugins.
Configuration for a single user
Log-in to your TT-RSS instance and go into the preferences. Scroll to plugins and enable "api_newsplus". It will be listed under the system plugins.
Automatic configuration for every user
Edit your config.php and add "api_newsplus" to the list of system plugins. It will be automatically enabled for every user.
This code is licensed under GPLv3. Although I am not a personal fan of the v3, since this code was built upon the existing source of TT-RSS, it inherits the same license.