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Tools to Work with the Internet Archive and GDELT Television Explorer in R
Tools to Work with the Internet Archive and GDELT Television Explorer
TV Explorer: >_“In collaboration with the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive, GDELT’s Television Explorer allows you to keyword search the closed captioning streams of the Archive’s 6 years of American television news and explore macro-level trends in how America’s television news is shaping the conversation around key societal issues. Unlike the Archive’s primary Television News interface, which returns results at the level of an hour or half-hour”show," the interface here reaches inside of those six years of programming and breaks the more than one million shows into individual sentences and counts how many of those sentences contain your keyword of interest. Instead of reporting that CNN had 24 hour-long shows yesterday that mentioned Donald Trump, the interface here will count how many sentences uttered on CNN yesterday mentioned his name - a vastly more accurate metric for assessing media attention.“_
Third Eye: >_The TV News Archive’s Third Eye project captures the chyrons–or narrative text–that appear on the lower third of TV news screens and turns them into downloadable data and a Twitter feed for research, journalism, online tools, and other projects. At project launch (September 2017) we are collecting chyrons from BBC News, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC–more than four million collected over just two weeks.“_
An advantage of using this over the TV Explorer interactive selector & downloader or Third Eye API is that you get tidy tibbles with this package, ready to use in R.
NOTE: While I don’t claim that this alpha-package is anywhere near perfect, the IA/GDELT TV API hiccups every so often so when there are critical errors run the same query in their web interface before submitting an issue. I kept getting errors when searching all affiliate markets for the “mexican president” query that also generate errors on the web site when JSON is selected as output (it’s fine on the web site if the choice is interactive browser visualizations). Submit those errors to them, not here.
What’s Inside The Tin
The following functions are implemented:
: Retrieve Third Eye chyron index -
: Helper function to identify station/network keyword and corpus date range for said market -
: Tools to Work with the Internet Archive and GDELT Television Explorer -
: Issue a query to the TV Explorer -
: Retrieve TV News Archive chyrons from the Internet Archive’s Third Eye project -
: Top Trending (GDELT) - `iatv_top_trending: Top Trending Topics (Internet Archive TV Archive)
: Retrieve top words that appear most frequently in clips matching your search
# current verison
## [1] '0.6.0'
“Third Eye” Chyrons are simpler so we’ll start with them first:
## # A tibble: 457 x 3
## ts type size
## <date> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2018-04-16 cleaned 297177.
## 2 2018-04-16 raw 10436998.
## 3 2018-04-15 cleaned 347063.
## 4 2018-04-15 raw 9884284.
## 5 2018-04-14 cleaned 470448.
## 6 2018-04-14 raw 13709682.
## 7 2018-04-13 cleaned 410976.
## 8 2018-04-13 raw 12058117.
## 9 2018-04-12 cleaned 384796.
## 10 2018-04-12 raw 11750908.
## # ... with 447 more rows
ch <- read_chyrons("2018-04-13")
hour = lubridate::hour(ts),
text = tolower(text),
mention = grepl("comey", text)
) %>%
filter(mention) %>%
count(hour, channel) %>%
ggplot(aes(hour, n)) +
geom_segment(aes(xend=hour, yend=0), color = "lightslategray", size=1) +
scale_x_continuous(name="Hour (GMT)", breaks=seq(0, 23, 6),
labels=sprintf("%02d:00", seq(0, 23, 6))) +
scale_y_continuous(name="# Chyrons", limits=c(0,20)) +
facet_wrap(~channel, scales="free") +
labs(title="Chyrons mentioning 'Comey' per hour per channel",
caption="Source: Internet Archive Third Eye project & <>") +
Now for the TV Explorer:
See what networks & associated corpus date ranges are available:
## # A tibble: 159 x 6
## StationID Description Market Network StartDate EndDate
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <date>
## 1 ALJAZ Al Jazeera International ALJAZ 2017-09-11 2017-09-11
## 2 ALJAZAM Al Jazeera America NationalDiscontinued ALJAZAM 2013-08-20 2013-08-20
## 3 BBCNEWS BBC News International BBCNEWS 2017-01-01 2017-01-01
## 4 BETW BET - San Francisco (BETW) San Francisco BET 2016-12-13 2016-12-13
## 5 BLOOMBERG Bloomberg National BLOOMBERG 2013-12-05 2013-12-05
## 6 CNBC CNBC National CNBC 2009-07-02 2009-07-02
## 7 CNN CNN National CNN 2009-07-02 2009-07-02
## 8 COM Comedy Central NationalSpecialty COM 2011-05-10 2011-05-10
## 9 CSPAN CSPAN National CSPAN 2009-06-04 2009-06-04
## 10 CSPAN2 CSPAN2 National CSPAN 2009-06-04 2009-06-04
## # ... with 149 more rows
Basic search:
comey <- query_tv('comey', start_date = "2018-04-01")
## # A tibble: 144 x 3
## network date value
## <chr> <date> <dbl>
## 1 CSPAN3 2018-04-01 0.0273
## 2 CSPAN3 2018-04-02 0.
## 3 CSPAN3 2018-04-03 0.
## 4 CSPAN3 2018-04-04 0.0241
## 5 CSPAN3 2018-04-05 0.
## 6 CSPAN3 2018-04-06 0.
## 7 CSPAN3 2018-04-07 0.
## 8 CSPAN3 2018-04-08 0.
## 9 CSPAN3 2018-04-09 0.
## 10 CSPAN3 2018-04-10 0.
## # ... with 134 more rows
query_tv('comey', start_date = "2018-04-01") %>%
arrange(date) %>%
ggplot(aes(date, value, group=network)) +
ggalt::geom_xspline(aes(color=network)) +
ggthemes::scale_color_tableau(name=NULL) +
labs(x=NULL, y="Volume Metric", title="'Comey' Trends Across National Networks") +
facet_wrap(~network) +
theme_ipsum_rc(grid="XY") +
query_tv("comey Network:CNN", mode = "TimelineVol", start_date = "2018-01-01") %>%
arrange(date) %>%
ggplot(aes(date, value, group=network)) +
ggalt::geom_xspline(color="lightslategray") +
ggthemes::scale_color_tableau(name=NULL) +
labs(x=NULL, y="Volume Metric", title="'Comey' Trend on CNN") +
Relative Network Attention To Syria since January 1, 2018
query_tv('syria Market:"National"', mode = "StationChart", start_date = "2018-01-01") %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
station | count |
FOX News | 1.0148 |
CNN | 0.8804 |
MSNBC | 0.7668 |
CSPAN | 0.6192 |
FOX Business | 0.5121 |
CSPAN2 | 0.3346 |
Bloomberg | 0.3208 |
CSPAN3 | 0.2392 |
CNBC | 0.2171 |
Video Clips
clips <- query_tv('comey Market:"National"', mode = "ClipGallery", start_date = "2018-01-01")
## # A tibble: 32 x 8
## preview_url ia_show_id date station show show_date preview_thumb snippet
## <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr>
## 1 https://archive.… FOXNEWSW_201… 2018-04-13 FOX Ne… Shepa… 2018-04-13… comey -- i mention it …
## 2 https://archive.… MSNBCW_20180… 2018-03-20 MSNBC MTP D… 2018-03-20… donald trump ousted co…
## 3 https://archive.… CNNW_2018041… 2018-04-16 CNN CNN S… 2018-04-16… comey versus comey or …
## 4 https://archive.… MSNBCW_20180… 2018-04-12 MSNBC The R… 2018-04-12… and the president of c…
## 5 https://archive.… FOXNEWSW_201… 2018-04-13 FOX Ne… The I… 2018-04-13… comey announced when h…
## 6 https://archive.… FBC_20180413… 2018-04-13 FOX Bu… After… 2018-04-13… untethered to the trut…
## 7 https://archive.… FBC_20180415… 2018-04-15 FOX Bu… The J… 2018-04-15… that we haven't alread…
## 8 https://archive.… CNNW_2018031… 2018-03-18 CNN New D… 2018-03-18… media. after comey lea…
## 9 https://archive.… MSNBCW_20180… 2018-02-20 MSNBC The B… 2018-02-20… trump caused this inve…
## 10 https://archive.… CNBC_2018041… 2018-04-13 CNBC Power… 2018-04-13… he is ego different an…
## # ... with 22 more rows
2018-04-13 | FOX News | Shepard Smith Reporting
comey – i mention it because comey is in the news. treats comey like a white knight and points out that director comey would have a vested interest in distancing himself from andrew mccabe because the inspector general was also looking at comey and his
“Word Cloud” (top associated words to the query)
wc <- query_tv('hannity Market:"National"', mode = "WordCloud", start_date = "2018-04-13")
ggplot(wc, aes(x=1, y=1)) +
ggrepel::geom_label_repel(aes(label=label, size=count), segment.colour="#00000000", segment.size=0) +
scale_size_continuous(trans="sqrt") +
labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) +
theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") +
theme(axis.text=element_blank()) +
Last 15 Minutes Top Trending
## $overall_trending_topics
## [1] "commonwealth" "shirley" "caribbean" "florida"
## [5] "jim comey" "boston" "sandra" "nell"
## [9] "george stephanopoulos" "vincent kompany" "pallab ghosh" "brighthouse financial"
## [13] "islamic state" "wetherspoon" "europe" "sorrell"
## [17] "north carolina" "nasa" "starbucks" "pakistan"
## [21] "whitbread" "cliff richard" "asia" "hilary clinton"
## [25] "ghouta" "kevin johnson" "west" "philadelphia"
## [29] "renee" "zimbabwe" "city" "bill chaplin"
## [33] "james" "grassley" "quetta" "myrbetriq"
## [37] "barbara" "john heilemann" "carrie underwood" "joe"
## [41] "houston" "balochistan" "ibm" "medicare"
## [45] "barclays" "fidelity" "jason aldean" "rhonda"
## [49] "michael flynn" "belfast" "kohler"
## $station_trending_topics
## # A tibble: 112 x 2
## station topic
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 CNN brilinta
## 2 CNN jim comey
## 3 CNN christine
## 4 CNN michael flynn
## 5 CNN tremfya
## 6 CNN tal
## 7 CNN nick paton walsh
## 8 CNN geico
## 9 CNN vladimir putin
## 10 CNN lynch
## # ... with 102 more rows
## $station_top_topics
## # A tibble: 112 x 2
## station topic
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 CNN fbi
## 2 CNN russia
## 3 CNN donald trump
## 4 CNN james comey
## 5 CNN mueller
## 6 CNN syria
## 7 CNN united states
## 8 CNN michael cohen
## 9 CNN clinton
## 10 CNN cnn
## # ... with 102 more rows
## $overall_trending_phrases
## [1] "morally unfit" "unfit to be president" "good morning"
## [4] "medically unfit" "president of the united" "islamic state group"
## [7] "night sky" "bank of america" "xfinity delivers gig"
## [10] "give this guy gig-" "delivers gig speed" "give this guy"
## [13] "gig speed" "speed to more homes" "xfinity delivers gig speed"
## [16] "guy gig-" "treats women" "xfinity delivers"
## [19] "donald trump" "gig-speed internet" "kennedy space centre"
## [22] "people watching" "threatens new sanctions" "donald trump unfit"
## [25] "exclusive interview" "evidence of obstruction" "sees moral equivalence"
## [28] "100 years" "air strikes" "fit to be president"
## [31] "new york" "maintaining a level" "shield annuity"
## [34] "growth opportunities" "lies constantly" "time to make"
## [37] "level of protection" "support for president assad" "removing donald trump"
## [40] "support for president" "buy the stuff" "2700 journalists"
## [43] "pallab ghosh" "brighthouse financial- established" "mission to scan"
## [46] "stars resonate" "voting booth" "star makes"
## [49] "james comey comments" "embody respect" "adhere to the values"
Top Overall Trending from the Internet Archive TV Archive (2017 and earlier)
iatv_top_trending("2017-12-01 18:00", "2017-12-02 06:00")
## # A tibble: 49 x 5
## ts overall_trending_topics station_trending_topics station_top_topics overall_trending_phrases
## <dttm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
## 1 2017-12-01 18:00:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 2 2017-12-01 18:15:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 3 2017-12-01 18:30:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 4 2017-12-01 18:45:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 5 2017-12-01 19:00:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 6 2017-12-01 19:15:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 7 2017-12-01 19:30:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 8 2017-12-01 19:45:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 9 2017-12-01 20:00:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## 10 2017-12-01 20:15:00 <chr [51]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <data.frame [7 × 2]> <chr [51]>
## # ... with 39 more rows