fileio copied to clipboard
print as raw (instead of downloading)
Hey there !
I do understand is a file hosting, so it's not made for download them as raw ; there are other services for that.
I was wondering if it is possible, when uploading files (as .txt, or application/octet-stream files), to print them as raw in the browser ? by renaming it .html, it did print as raw, but... as html, so without end of line...
Thanks ! Breedug
How to reproduce :
ls -1ash > hello.log
curl --progress-bar -F "[email protected]" | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9
./?=_-]*" | cat
Then open the link in browser... It downloads the file, doesn't print them.
Well met! Lemme look back at what fileio may support. Much of the ability to view in-browser is dictated by either the return content-type header or extension+magic bytes some browsers will read to try to view vs d/l.
Well, thanks @hrbrmstr ! It would be really appreciated :-)