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Akeem is a small JIT-ed subset of R7RS Scheme written in x86-64 assembler as an experiment.
When you think of garbage, think of Akeem. — Prince Akeem of Zamunda
Talk at JUXT XT16 Milton Keynes, 2016-10-06 | Slides
Akeem is a small JIT-ed subset of R7RS Scheme ("small") written in x86-64 assembler as an experiment.
Written in GNU Assembler
using AT&T syntax. Only builds on Linux as Apple has their own version
of as
Akeem depends on glibc.
`which rlwrap` ./akeem # or make run-repl
(setq scheme-program-name "/path/to/akeem")
See this tutorial.
make run-docker
will create a development container than can both run and compile
Akeem. Running under Docker should work on Mac as well.
If rlwrap
crashes, the above command usually works when
trying again.
What Works?
- Subset of R7RS "small" procedures.
- JIT for
- Syntax for
, "namedlet
", ,let-values
. - Basic support for
. - Basic support for R7RS Exceptions and
. - NaN-boxed 32-bit integers and 64-bit doubles
- Function application up to 6 named arguments with varargs support.
- Multiple return values using
. - TCO for calls in tail position across functions.
- The bootstrap Scheme code is embedded in the executable.
- Mark and Sweep GC.
- Simple FFI.
What Doesn't Work?
- No hygienic macro expansion.
- No GC for functions or their constant literals.
- Max arity is currently 6, higher requires the use of the stack.
- Stack-alignment of 16-bytes at function call isn't always maintained in compiled code.
- No register allocation.
- No
. - No
. - The JIT is static, once a function is generated its done.
- Not full support for Scheme numbers in the reader.
- No support for converting internal
. - No mutation of closed over variables (needs array boxing).
- Closures needlessly capture variables shadowed by inner
expressions. - No support for passing structs or functions in FFI calls. Calls are limited to 6 integer and 8 double arguments and won't pass arguments on the stack.
- Limited numeric tower, see above.
Most of the above is intended to be solved at some point, in roughly the order listed. The focus is slightly geared towards hacking on and exploring the JIT more than aiming for full R7RS compliance.
Implementation Notes
Akeem is a template based JIT which copies snippets of its own assembled source to compile functions at runtime - code is data.
It's worth noting that John Aycock in his A Brief History of Just-In-Time doesn't consider template based compilers to be proper JIT compilers:
As just described, template-based systems arguably do not fit our description of JIT compilers, since there would appear to be no nontrivial translation aspect.
Akeem is somewhat inspired by Abdulaziz Ghuloum's classic paper An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction and Ian Piumarta's PEG-based transformer provides front-, middle and back-end stages in a simple compiler and his related work on Maru.
Unlike these Lisps Akeem does not generate assembly in text form. Akeem is inspired by Clojure in the sense that there's only a JIT compiler to simplify the overall implementation — there's no interpreter. Also, like Clojure, the compiler is planned to stay close to a normal procedural language, with limited TCO and no CPS.
Most of the implementation is in
. It
relies heavily on
make the code less verbose. The
are compared to
for simple unit testing. To run and keep watching the tests (uses
make retest
Parts of the implementation are in
which are embedded as strings during compilation and are loaded at
startup in this order.
While running, the result of the JIT can be logged into jit_code
can be inspected using objdump
make jit-dissassmble
This can be turned on by setting LOG_JIT
to 1
Too simplify debugging you can wrap the tests using catchsegv
will give you a register dump when Akeem crashes and occasionally even
a stack trace:
make run-tests-catchsegv
You can run a small subset of the Racket benchmarks using:
make RACKET_HOME=/path/to/racket benchmarks
The racket
executable itself is assumed to be on the path. Akeem can
currently run about 10% of the benchmarks, and is quite a bit slower
than Racket.
You can run a single benchmark followed by
make RACKET_BENCHMARKS=nqueens profile
Only functions written in assembler will show up in the profile report.
Garbage Collector
The garbage collector is a basic mark and sweep. It doesn't handle
functions or any literal constants in the code. The garbage collector
is stop-the-world and called when malloc
JIT Compiler
As mentioned above, the compiler pieces together parts snippets of
code which already has been assembled by GNU assembler. Some snippets
have a dynamic part that will be patched by the compiler. The compiler
uses glibc
in-memory streams to generate the code.
All code sits in one static block allocated using mmap
at start-up.
Tagged Data
Akeem uses NaN-boxed 64-bit values to represent everything. Integers, chars and symbol ids are stored in the lower 32-bits. Symbols are represented as unique ids pointing into a symbol table where the global values (and its name) are stored. Cons-cells, strings, vectors, bytevectors and records are allocated on the heap with a small header.
As there are limited tags available in the NaN-boxed value, the
highest tag is for objects. It's currently used by records and
bytevectors. These objects have their real tag stored in the header on
the heap. The tag's id is the symbol id of its type. Doubles have no
tag, so the symbol double
has id 0.
Ports are C streams. They and procedures use tagged pointers to their actual values. They have no extra header on the heap and they don't participate in the garbage collection.
Closures are represented using two functions, where the body is compiled once, and the other one acts as a bridge function created each time a lambda is referenced and sets up the local variables on the stack based on the current environment before jumping to the body.
Closures don't support mutable local variables using this compilation model, as the closed over variables are compiled into the code. Boxing via lists or vectors is necessary.
Calls in tail position are simply converted to jumps when compiling. This works across functions. Calls using the stack to pass more than 6 arguments are always compiled as normal calls and not optimized.
Basic FFI built on dlopen
and dlsym
is provided via ffi-call
. No
support for passing structs or functions to native code. Passing
bytevectors and strings as pointers work.
Calling Conventions
In general Akeem uses the normal x86-64 ABI, with a few extensions.
All compiled calls use al
to pass the number of arguments down to
enable variable argument lists and arity checking to work. This is
inspired by the way the ABI uses al
to pass the number of floating
point arguments.
Some internal calls, like during call/cc
, when checking arity and
when collecting variable arguments use rax
(for arity) and r10
between calls to pass extra information about how to deal with the
actual arguments without clobbering them.
When returning multiple values from a continuation, either by using
or values
, the first value is placed in rax
and the tail
is placed in rdx
(the second return register according to the ABI),
and normally ignored. call-with-values
will recreate the full
argument list by consing rax
to rdx
and applying the result to its
Use of Registers and Stack
See Stack frame layout on x86-64 for a better explanation. Akeem uses two different styles.
The handwritten parts of Akeem itself refers to local variables
allocated above of rsp
and doesn't use rbp
to establish a
frame. Only in some cases it will push and pop the actual stack, and
then there will be no local variables in use, as there's no stable
reference point to them. The code uses rbx
and r12
as callee saved
registers. Some simpler functions are written without or with a
minimal prologue and epilogue that doesn't use or save rbx
and r12
The generated code does establish a frame base pointer in rbp
refers to local variables relative below of rbp
. rsp
sits below the local variables and is free to move during
execution. The generated code must use the stack to load the registers
for calls properly without clobbering them. There's no register
allocation implemented, all locals live on the stack.
When calling a function, the non-literal arguments are evaluated first, and pushed onto the stack, after which the literal arguments are loaded directly into their argument registers and the results on the stack are popped into the right place. Arguments above 6 always go on the stack as per the ABI.
For floating point operations, the xmm0
to xmm2
registers are used
for calculations, but all values are passed using regular registers
between functions.
- http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-developer-manuals.html
- http://ref.x86asm.net/coder64-abc.html
- http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi.pdf
- https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/as/
- http://rayseyfarth.com/asm/
- http://bob.cs.sonoma.edu/IntroCompOrg/book.html
- http://www.agner.org/optimize/
- http://www.avabodh.com/cin/cin.html
- http://github.com/nineties/amber
- https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/08/07/jonesforth-git-repository/
- http://lemick.sourceforge.net/papers/JIT_design.pdf
- http://piumarta.com/doc/dcg-1992.pdf
- http://nickdesaulniers.github.io/blog/2014/04/18/lets-write-some-x86-64/
- http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/09/06/stack-frame-layout-on-x86-64/
- http://blog.reverberate.org/2012/12/hello-jit-world-joy-of-simple-jits.html
- http://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/gasexamples/
- https://github.com/yrp604/rappel
- http://piumarta.com/software/maru/
- http://piumarta.com/papers/S3-2010.pdf
- http://scheme2006.cs.uchicago.edu/11-ghuloum.pdf
- http://library.readscheme.org/page1.html
- https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/5600
- http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/r5rs.pdf
- http://trac.sacrideo.us/wg/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/r7rs.pdf
- http://srfi.schemers.org/final-srfis.html
- http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/~micheles/syntax-rules.pdf
- https://github.com/kanaka/mal
- http://shenlanguage.org/
Copyright © 2016 Håkan Råberg
Distributed under the MIT License.