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Tax must be non-zero
I'm trying different invoice solutions because my old one is no longer updated, and thought this looked promising. There's one complete blocker, and that's the fact tax can't be set to zero.
If I make money under a certain amount, I'm not required to (or even eligible for) VAT registration, and can't charge any tax on services.
Expected Behavior
The ability to set tax to 0 until I get a decent amount of clients, pushing me above the VAT registration limit.
Current Behavior
Hard demand for tax I'm not even legally allowed to charge.
Possible Solution
Allow the field to be zero.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
1.Move to Norway. 2.Run a tiny side-business. 3.Pore through tax regulations for hours on end. 4.Give up in frustration and just ask somebody who's already done it. 5.Come to the conclusion it's not the time for VAT registration yet.
Your Environment
- Version used: 1.1.4
- Operating System and version: macOS 10.13.4
- Norwegian government
@Urethramancer: Sorry to hear that. You actually CAN turn off the TAX field completely. Please see for more details.
Btw, I like your sense of humour, and visiting Norway is on my list this year :)
Thanks, but it's actually in the profile settings I'm trying to set up 0 tax, as I'd like to not have to write ALL my details over every time. How do I make the profile save? The tax toggle is off.
This seems like bad UX, let me try to explain how this works.
So inside the invoice settings tab:
- The Tax toggle is used to determine whether to show it in the form tab.
- The Tax field data (amount, tax ID, tax type) will be used to populate the tax field in the form if you decide to use it.
So, if you don't want to have tax on the invoices at all, just do this:
- turn off the tax field toggle (to make sure it won't show up in the form)
- change the tax amount to something greater than 0 (to make sure that, well, the tax amount is greater than 0 when there's a tax field in the form).
Then hit save and try to create a new invoice. Make sense? Let me know if this works for you.
I'm trying out the app, but just found out I can't save the settings without a tax > 0 set. Just letting you know and see if that's a bug or another bad UI/UX case.
I'm having a similar issue because in Germany I'm allowed to have a small business beside my regular job and with this business option I have to print a Tax ID on every invoice but I'm not allowed to charge taxes unless I switch to a regular business. But this also means it has to be a business I am running full-time without having a regular job. With this kind of small business I also have to print a clause on my invoices which is telling about it. It's something like "Gemäß § 19 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer berechnet."
In this case it would be great for em to enable the tax toggle for printing the Tax ID and maybe the clause (if tax is set to zero) but without a tax calculation on the invoice.
I'm just saying it because it seems there are different use cases for printing tax informations without calculating them but I also don't know how to realize this without making things too difficult 😅
This is a necessary feature. The customer needs to know the tax is zero. Please allow it