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Sample CMake template solving Ax=b

Code project

  • Solve Ax=b
  • A matrix A could be a dense or sparse matrix
    • Symmetric or unsymmetric condition might be tested
    • Random matrix for unsymmetric conditions
  • For a dense matrix of double-precision
    • LAPACK for CPU solver
      • dgesv for general/unsymmetric matrices
      • dsysv for symmetric matrices
    • CuSolver for GPU solver
      • cusolverDnDgetrf for general/unsymmetric matrices
      • cusolverDnDpotrf for symmetric matrices
  • For a sparse matrix using MPI
    • HYPRE for distributed CPU solver
      • Flexible GMRES solver + AMG preconditioner
    • AmgX for distributed GPU solver
      • FGMRES + AMG preconditioner
  • Objectives of the project
    • Practice LAPACK/HYPRE/CuSolver/AmgX
    • Practice of CMake with cuda
    • Practice of unit-test using CTest
    • Practice of C++11 or C++14 implementation