ESP32-Ruuvitag-Collector copied to clipboard
Ruuvitag data collector for ESP32
This software can be used to collect measurement data from Ruuvitag Bluetooth Low Energy devices
Main functionalities are:
- Influx database sending
- MQTT publishing
- MQTT Automatic discovery for Home Assistant
- Store measurements to ESP32 own SPIF File System
- Store measurements to microSD card
- Use as a primary weather station data collector by sending measuments in regular intervals
- Use as a backup weather station data collector with low energy consumption
- Ruuvitag white list, collect measurements from listed Ruuvitags only
- Print and send data from offline SPIF File storage or microSD card
Mandatory network configurations
All configurations are in config.cpp
WiFi SSD name
WiFi SSD password
NTP Server, use value if you dont' know any better one. Well functioning NTP server is important for good operation of this software. Use IP address, not name.
Optional network configurations
These configurations provide sending data to outside servers
Influx servers
Currently only HTTP with username and password is supported.
Influx measurement name, also known as table name
Influx server IP address. Use IP address, not name.""
Influx server port.
Influx database name
Influx database username for writing
and password
Add Influx server to configuration. If you don't have any Influx server, make sure below command is commented.
Optionally you can add an other server by specifying all or some of the new configuration.
2nd Influx server IP address. Use IP address, not name.""
Add 2nd Influx server to configuration. Other than IP configuration will be same as in 1st server. `
MQTT Server
MQTT server also known as broker IP address. Set to "" to disable MQTT.
and port number
Topic name this ESP32 is publishing. The complete topic will be mqttTopicPrefix/+Ruuvitag mac address/+state. Example: ruuviesp32/C2CA7F7D07F5/state
Username for MQTT server
and password
Home Assistant can detect Ruuvitags automatically using MQTT discovery Enter name of the topic or leave empty to disable MQTT discovery
Data collection settings
Ruuvitag white list. You can put one or several Ruuvitag mac addresses to white list. Then data is collected only from those Ruuvitags. Even you have only one Ruuvitag, you should still put it into a white list because this shortens Bluetooth scan time. Once all white listed devices are scanned, Bluetooth is turned off and this way energy is saved.
At the beginning start with empty white list
And when you know your MAC addresses, add them to white list. You can see the addresses from serial console, Influx database or any MQTT client subscribing the topic, example Home Assistant. Put one or more MAC addresses without any : marks as below.
Primary weather station data collector
With these settings Ruuvitag data is collected every minute or 60 times per hour and it is attempted to collect at the beginning of each minute. The data is sent to Influx and MQTT servers immediately.
Wake up from deep sleep at second 0, example 12:01:00, 12:02:00, 12:03:00 etc.
You can adjust wake up to example at second 58 by setting value -2. Then the wake-up happens at 12:00:58, 12:01:58, 12:02:58 etc.
As a primary weather station data collector we want to turn on WiFi every time ESP32 wakes up. Value 0 does that.
Backup weather station data collector
With these settings Ruuvitag data is collected every minute or 60 times per hour and it is attempted to collect at the beginning of each minute. All collected data is sent to Influx servers every 15 minutes, that is 15 measurement reports. MQTT is updated only every 15 minutes.
Wake up from deep sleep at second 0, example 12:01:00, 12:02:00, 12:03:00 etc.
You can adjust wake up to example at second 58 by setting value -2. Then the wake-up happens at 12:00:58, 12:01:58, 12:02:58 etc.
As a backup weather station data collector we want to save energy and WiFi is turned on only every 15 minutes. This saves energy and allows running on battery power for much longer time than with primary weather station settings. You can set also longer period example value 7200 would turn WiFi ON only every 2 hours. But note that ESP32 clock may slip many seconds already in two hours and NTP time is updated only when WiFi is turned ON.
Additional settings
Column names for Influx. With value true the column names will be like temperature, humidty, pressure etc. and with value false the column names will be t, h, p etc.
Time zone is used only for console and does not impact to data sent to Influx. If you time zone is example UTC+3, set timeZone to value UTC-3. More details here
Set value true
to store measurements to microSD or SD card.
Set value true
if you are using ESP32CAM module. It has microSD card slot but also a flash LED for camera which is flashing everytime you write to microSD card. This setting improves the behaviour of flash LED.
Managing offline SPIF File System Storage and files
When you reset ESP32 you have a possibility to enter menu from serial console by pressing any number key. Note that you have only 2 seconds time to do so. If you fail, just reset and try again. In menu you have various options to print and send files to Influx database. You can also delete files and format the entire SPIFFS.
This software requires PlatformIO environment for compiling. Easiest way to get it is perhaps using Visual Studio Code and its PlatformIO add on. Use your favorite search engine to find out more on setting up PlatformIO.
Don't have a Ruuvitag but still want to try? You can use your Android device to emulate Ruuvitag.
- Get nRF Connect app from Google Play Store
- Start App and go to Advertiser tab
- Select + from bottom right corner
- For Display name put Ruuvitag Emulator
- Choose Add Record - Manufacturer Data
- For 16 bit Company Identifier put 0499
- For Data put 0501AE1E23C75000CC008003B870F663D9A1F109FC2FF596
- Turn On Ruuvitag Emulator on Advertiser tab and you should see measument coming
MIT License is used for this software.