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Smalltalk grammar parsing of literal arrays differs from legacy parser
The Smalltalk grammar defines the following rule for literal arrays: https://github.com/hpi-swa/Ohm-S/blob/98bf92f8e3baeacf18b33b5d1bef4c7ca3945e7f/packages/Ohm-Grammars.package/OhmSmalltalk.class/class/serializedGrammar.st#L76-L77
This fails to parse e.g. Morph class >> #vectorAdditions
"Answer slot/command definitions for the vector experiment"
^ # (
(slot x 'The x coordinate' Number readWrite Player getX Player setX:)
(slot y 'The y coordinate' Number readWrite Player getY Player setY:)
(slot heading 'Which direction the object is facing. 0 is straight up' Number readWrite Player getHeading Player setHeading:)
(slot distance 'The length of the vector connecting the origin to the object''s position' Number readWrite Player getDistance Player setDistance:)
(slot theta 'The angle between the positive x-axis and the vector connecting the origin to the object''s position' Number readWrite Player getTheta Player setTheta: )
(slot headingTheta 'The angle that my heading vector makes with the positive x-axis' Number readWrite Player getHeadingTheta Player setHeadingTheta:)
(command + 'Adds two players together, treating each as a vector from the origin.' Player)
(command - 'Subtracts one player from another, treating each as a vector from the origin.' Player)
(command * 'Multiply a player by a Number, treating the Player as a vector from the origin.' Number)
(command / 'Divide a player by a Number, treating the Player as a vector from the origin.' Number)
(command incr: 'Each Player is a vector from the origin. Increase one by the amount of the other.' Player)
(command decr: 'Each Player is a vector from the origin. Decrease one by the amount of the other.' Player)
(command multBy: 'A Player is a vector from the origin. Multiply its length by the factor.' Number)
(command dividedBy: 'A Player is a vector from the origin. Divide its length by the factor.' Number)
The rule should probably be:
LiteralArrayLiteral =
"#" "(" literalArrayLiteralElement* ")"