smui-example-sveltekit copied to clipboard
The repo does not run with the updates to Sveltekit
I downloaded the code and made a few changes to make it run.
I updated the code to make sure the project runs
renamed svelte.config.cjs to svelte.config.js
changed content to:
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// Consult
// for more information about preprocessors
preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: {
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: '#svelte'
export default config;
rename the $layout.svelte to __layout.svelte
But when I browse to the site, I get this error:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules@smui\button\index.js require() of ES modules is not supported. require() of C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules@smui\button\index.js from C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules@sveltejs\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules. Instead rename index.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules@smui\button\package.json.
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1080:13)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at nodeRequire (C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules\@sveltejs\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js:68211:17)
at ssrImport (C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules\@sveltejs\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js:68164:20)
at eval (C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\src\routes\__layout.svelte:7:31)
at instantiateModule (C:\Users\user\Downloads\smui-example-sveltekit-master\smui-example-sveltekit-master\node_modules\@sveltejs\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js:68197:166)
So I fixed it by changing the svelte.config.js file to this:
used the filter from this issue:
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
import fs from 'fs';
const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(new URL('package.json', import.meta.url), 'utf8'));
console.log(Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}))
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// Consult
// for more information about preprocessors
preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: {
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: '#svelte',
vite: () => ({
ssr: {
noExternal: Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}).filter((pkgName) =>
export default config;
This fixes the issue #7
Doesn't work for me. I get
3:07:31 PM [vite] Error when evaluating SSR module /node_modules/@smui/ripple/Ripple.js:
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'applyPassive' of '' as it is null.
at eval (/node_modules/@smui/ripple/Ripple.js:9:9)
at instantiateModule (/Users/repo/GitHub/sveltekit-smui-starter/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-cb562f8f.js:68783:166)
Cannot destructure property 'applyPassive' of '' as it is null.
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'applyPassive' of '' as it is null.
at eval (/node_modules/@smui/ripple/Ripple.js:9:9)
at instantiateModule (/Users/repo/GitHub/sveltekit-smui-starter/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-cb562f8f.js:68783:166)
Actually yours does work. The reason it's not working for me is that I tried to add in route aliases. How can we add route aliases with this config?
I tried this:
import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
const pkg = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(new URL("package.json", import.meta.url), "utf8")
console.log(Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}));
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// Consult
// for more information about preprocessors
preprocess: preprocess({
scss: {
// not mandatory but nice to have for concise imports
includePaths: [path.resolve("./static/css")],
kit: {
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: "#svelte",
vite: () => ({
resolve: {
alias: {
$static: path.resolve("./static"),
ssr: {
noExternal: Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}).filter(pkgName =>
export default config;
on the sveltekit FAQs
All you have to do is:
" First, you need to add it to the Vite configuration. In svelte.config.js add vite.resolve.alias:
// svelte.config.js
import path from 'path';
export default {
kit: {
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
$utils: path.resolve('./src/utils')
Then, to make TypeScript aware of the alias, add it to tsconfig.json (for TypeScript users) or jsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"$utils/*": ["src/utils/*"]
Are you missing the tsconfig or jsconfig section?
I was able to get path aliases to work. using the above 2 steps