howl copied to clipboard
Plan to be arm64 compatible?
Hi, Sadly I can't use Howl with RaspberryPi 4 under Manjaro OS...
First error is:
[lamy@pi ~]$ howl
Failed to load user settings: error in error handling
callbacks: error in 'signal activate' handler: 'error in error handling'
Then I get a another when I compile my init file:
[lamy@pi ~]$ howl --compile .howl/init.moon
Compiling .howl/init.moon
/usr/share/howl/lib/howl/init.lua:120: .howl/init.moon: bad light userdata pointer
After looking for a solution I guess it is not possible to be under an ARM arch for the moment...
Any advice/tips?
Thanks all
LuaJIT isn't really actively maintained at this point and the ARM64 support was still pretty buggy, but you could probably try building using the plethora of bugfix patches some distros are shipping.
Well, thank you for your advice. Unfortunately I will not go forward with Howl as It seems hard to get it to work and most important stable. So I have decided to give a try to neovim with some plugins like fzf. It gives me a stable solution even if I already miss Howl... But, yeah, neovim+fzf gives me what I appreciate the most in Howl, easy file navigation.
I will follow the developpement and try Howl later if it becomes possible to install it with a little compilation or package installation.
Good luck!
Bit late on the party, but howl compiles and runs on alpine aarch64 (which is another name for arm64), without applying any luajit patches. It sometimes complains a bit about some missing symbols at runtime, but still keeps running like normal. The install I have was compiled last year, but the current sources should still work.
Guessing this is either a glibc-related or distro package issue?