Tyler Hampton
Tyler Hampton
If anybody is coming here from Googling build errors and you're using dep then you'll need to change your Gopkg.toml to point to the master branch for go.uuid. Like so:...
@peaceful-james Probably because `after!` is a macro that is built into Doom Emacs. https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/blob/b681a2e1b4d7884e5836c471f364bb4cbcd39978/core/core-lib.el#L333 His block worked for me.
Hm, I don't get anything but I am on Windows. ``` drfra@spacecat ~Users\drfra\workspace\emacs-habitica master # emacs -L . -Q -batch --eval "(require 'feature)" drfra@spacecat ~Users\drfra\workspace\emacs-habitica master # ``` Just a...
Well, `cask exec buttercup -L .` just failed on Windows _but_ it passes on OS X. Hm.
Yeah, no problem. I did add the batch script. I am just learning Emacs Lisp so it'll take me a while to fix this. I wonder if this block of...
So I came across the same bug on my GTX 1060 driven machine so I am installing Manjaro to try that out. @stratus-ss They get around it by having a...
@michael1011 I never found a solution so I switched to Manjaro.
I think a big problem is a relative inflexibility of how Antergos is installed; a text based installer would offer a way to circumvent this problem.
Also, ``` (setq company-lsp-enable-snippet t) (setq lsp-enable-snippet t) ``` Are set.