IPFS-Ethereum-Storage copied to clipboard
Fatal: Could not list accounts: index 0 higher than number of accounts 0
e:\IPFS-Ethereum-Storage-master>geth --datadir="./" --networkid 23422 --rpc --rpccorsdomain="" --rpcport="8545" --minerthreads="1" --mine --nodiscover --maxpeers=0 --unlock 0 console
INFO [06-20|06:01:22] Maximum peer count ETH=0 LES=0 total=0
INFO [06-20|06:01:22] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=Geth/v1.8.2-stable-b8b9f7f4/windows-amd64/go1.9.2
INFO [06-20|06:01:22] Allocated cache and file handles database=e:\IPFS-Ethereum-Storage-master\geth\chaindata cache=768 handles=1024
INFO [06-20|06:01:22] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 10 Homestead: 0 DAO: geth account list
WARN [06-20|06:01:23] -------------------------------------------------------------------
Fatal: Could not list accounts: index 0 higher than number of accounts 0
My CMD report a error,when I instantiate the blockchain network and load the geth console. Do you know why?