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ChefsClubIIITR brings Competitive Programming Dictionary of IIITR
Closes # Description: Added three important ans useful algorithms. Maximum depth of a binary tree, Check if two trees are some or not and Merging two linked list. #### Checklist...
Closes # Description: #### Checklist - [x] I've followed the Contributing guidelines provided in the repository. - [x] I've made the changes which were demanded in the linked issue. -...
Closes # Description: This code is about heapsort in java #### Checklist - [y ] I've followed the Contributing guidelines provided in the repository. - [ y] I've made the...
### Description One is required to write code for RMQ using DSU
Issue #194 Description: Added Extended Boyer Moore's Voting Algorithm with a detailed explanation of Approach, Intuition, and Complexity Analysis. #### Checklist - [x] I've followed the Contributing guidelines provided in...
Closes # Description: #### Checklist - [ ] I've followed the Contributing guidelines provided in the repository. - [ ] I've made the changes which were demanded in the linked...
### Description The title should be short and relevant.
Closes # Description: Added Kadane's Algorithms #### Checklist - [ ] I've followed the Contributing guidelines provided in the repository. - [ ] I've made the changes which were demanded...
Set up github actions for checking whether the code compiles or not. Please put your views about implementing it and how can we do it for different languages!