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Add Java support

Open idoo opened this issue 9 years ago • 5 comments

idoo avatar Aug 14 '15 10:08 idoo

http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/ https://pmd.github.io/ http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/ http://www.jutils.com/

idoo avatar Feb 12 '16 02:02 idoo

We don't have plans to support Java at this time.

gylaz avatar May 13 '16 22:05 gylaz

Is there a technical reason for Hound to not support Java? Why wouldn't you want to expand Hound to cover as many languages as possible?

sean0x42 avatar Dec 25 '18 22:12 sean0x42

@sean0x42 nope, no technical reason at all. I'm reopening this since it has been a couple years.

salbertson avatar Dec 26 '18 19:12 salbertson