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This is a device (mote) emulator for LoRaWAN protocol(1.0 & 1.1). Completely realized by Python 3.6

LoRa Mote Emulator

|version| |python| |license|

This is a useful tool to test LoRa server.

To emulate end devices (a.k.a. Motes in |LoRaWAN(TM)| protocol)

Support |LoRaWAN(TM)| 1.0.2 & 1.1 protocol

Using Gateways from |Semtech(TM)|

.. |LoRaWAN(TM)| unicode:: LoRaWAN U+2122 .. |Semtech(TM)| unicode:: Semtech U+2122

System Requirements

  • Ubuntu
  • Python(>=3.6, mandatory)



  • Use pip to install lora-mote-emulator::

    pip install lora-mote-emulator


  • Use pip to install pipenv::

    pip install pipenv

  • Clone this repo into a directory::

    git clone https://github.com/houluy/lora-mote-emulator.git

  • Use pipenv to create a virtual Python environment and install all the dependencies::

    pipenv install

  • Build the project::

    python -m build

Here, if there is not Python 3.6 in your system, a warning will occur, and no package will be installed. It is perfect to install Python 3.6 from source <https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-362/>_. Otherwise, remove the Pipfile.lock and redo the above command.

  • Enter the virtual environment by pipenv shell
  • Run mote -h to see the help message



usage: mote [-h] [-v version] [-c CONFIG] [--model MODEL]
			{join,app,pull,mac,rejoin,info,abp,create} ...

Tool to emulate LoRa mote (a.k.a end-device) and Gateway, supported command
list: ['join', 'app', 'pull', 'mac', 'rejoin', 'info', 'abp', 'create']

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v version, --version version
						Choose LoRaWAN version, 1.0.2 or 1.1(default)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
						Specify the directory of config files, default
  --model MODEL         Specify the directory to save the model file, default

Supported commands:
	join                Send join request.
	app                 Send application data.
	pull                Send PULL_DATA.
	mac                 Send MACCommand.
	rejoin              Send rejoin request.
	info                Show information of current mote.
	abp                 Initialize mote in ABP mode.
	create              Handle configurations.


  • First, we need to create configuration files by command mote create [-c ./config]. Mote will generate required config template JSON files in the ./config directory (default). In the directory, several JSON config files are included.
  • config.json: Basic configurations.
  • gateway.json: Gateway EUI.
  • device.json: Device parameters for OTAA mode.
  • abp.json: Device parameters for ABP mode.


  • Modify device infomation in device.json copied. An example: ::

    { "Device": { "JoinEUI": "0000000000000000", "DevEUI": "0000000000000000" }, "RootKeys": { "AppKey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "NwkKey": "00000000000000000000000000000000" } }

NOTE: If you want to emulate LoRaWAN 1.0 device, first set JoinEUI equal to AppEUI and set NwkKey equal to AppKey.


  • Modify device activation information in abp.json. An example: ::

    { "deveui": "0000000000000000", "joineui": "0000000000000000", "devaddr": "00000000", "appkey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "nwkkey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "nwksenckey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "snwksintkey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "fnwksintkey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "appskey": "00000000000000000000000000000000", "fcntup": 0, "version": "1.1" }

  • Currently, five kinds of message is supported: pull data, join request, rejoin request, confirmed (or unconfirmed) data up (with or without FOpts) and MAC Commands in FRMPayload field:

NOTE: Always remember to mote pull to keep the gateway alive in server.


mote info
mote pull
mote abp
mote join [-n]
mote rejoin 'rejointyp' (0, 1, 2)
mote app 'message' (uplink message, will be encoded by UTF-8) [-auf]
mote mac 'command' (MAC Commands in FRMPayload field)

Here is the example step of interaction with ChirpStack <https://www.chirpstack.io>_:


mote pull
mote join -n
mote app helloworld -f 0302
mote main.py mac 0302


This repo is hosted on https://github.com/houluy/lora-motes-emulator and under MIT license, any contribution or suggestion is welcome. Just open an issue or send a pull request.

.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/LoRaWAN-1.1-orange.svg?style=plastic .. |python| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-3.6%2C3.7-blue.svg?style=plastic&logo=python .. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-red.svg?style=plastic