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Latex template rescuing PhDs in BUPT from dissertations typesetting.

================== Thesis LaTeX Template for Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

|license| |xelatex| |university|

This is a latex template for PhDs in BUPT to finish their dissertation in a no-hair-loss manner.


Full docs are listed here_.


  • TeXLive (>= 2017 recommended)

IMPORTANT: All files MUST be encoded in UTF-8.


Recommended Editor

TeXStudio <http://www.texstudio.org/>_

How to compile

Only xelatex can be used to compile this project.

  • Compile by hand


# with bibtex
xelatex main.tex
bibtex main.tex
xelatex main.tex
xelatex main.tex
  • Compile by TeXStudio

Configure the TeXStudio to use xelatex as default compiler and press compile button.

How to add chapter

  • Add a new tex file in Chapter directory, assuming the name is chapter_I.tex.
  • Open this file, insert \chapter{Your chapter title} as first line.
  • Add a new line \include{Chapter/chapter_I.tex} in main.tex after \mainmatter.
  • Then compile.

How to remove the line number in algorithms

  • Open class file buptthesis.cls, find the line with \RequirePackage[xxx]{algorithm2e}.
  • Remove the option linesnumbered and re-compile.
  • The meanings of the rest options can be found here <http://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/algorithm2e/doc/algorithm2e.pdf>__ in Chapter 7.



The first version of this template is designed and implemented by Haojun Yang [email protected], great thanks for his creativeness and wisdom.

Check this file_ for complete author list.

.. _this file: https://github.com/houluy/bupTemplate/blob/master/AUTHORS.rst .. _here: https://github.com/houluy/bupTemplate/blob/master/docs/main.rst

.. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3.0-blue.svg?style=plastic .. |xelatex| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/TeX-XeLaTeX-lightgrey.svg?style=plastic .. |university| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/unversity-BUPT-red.svg?style=plastic