experiencing the same issue here
It seems that on IOS you must keep bitrate relative to samplerate. For example bitrate 16000 did not work for me with sampleRate 22050 but worked with 11025. also 8000...
@xstable I do not have a theoretical background on this field so I just noted down things by observation: "For example bitrate 16000 did not work for me with sampleRate...
@xstable Yes, you're right. Pinning this info to the docs would be great
try to clear this prop `disableFullscreen`. The default value may be `true`: ```js ```
On IOS the full screen button exists, On Android it does not
I think that would be useful. If you need any help I can participate @petrogad
@prscX I'm getting the same error with RN 0.61.5 and popover-menu 1.0.3
experiencing the same here. getCurrentPosition does not call success neither error.