gossipnet copied to clipboard
Problem with Makefile
I did make
and in terminal I just saw the warnings, no errors. But when I tried to debug train.py I get such error:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: ~/nms_net/roi_pooling_layer/roi_pooling.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow7strings6StrCatB5cxx11ERKNS0_8AlphaNumE
Sounds like you have linking problems. Can you double check you're linking to the tensorflow you're running it in?
I changed this variable TF_INC="/home/firiuza/anaconda3/envs/yad2k/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/include" in Makefile. So I think I have the right link.
@Firyuza Did you fix the problem?
@EkaterinaPogodina Unfortunately, I couldn't fix it. But I converted this C++ code that requires build into Tensorflow.
You did the matching with tf ops? Sounds great! Can you share that?
I had to compile roi pooling layer with "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" parameter due to GCC version >= 5 to avoid this issue.
@hosang I'm not sure that I did right conversion, but I tested it and it works. Hope you will understand my code, because it's not so easy to read :(
matching loss
find the ground truth box for each detection that has maximum IoU
max_ious = tf.reduce_max(self.det_anno_iou, axis=1)
iou_threshold = tf.fill(tf.shape(max_ious), 0.5)
add extra item at the end of tensor for labels and weights
gt_crowd_added = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(self.gt_crowd, 1), tf.expand_dims([tf.constant(False)], 1)],
gt_crowd_added = tf.reshape(gt_crowd_added, [-1])
save indices of ground truth that match to detections
no_matched = tf.fill(tf.shape(max_ious), tf.constant(-1, dtype=tf.int64))
self.det_gt_matching = tf.where(tf.greater(max_ious, iou_threshold),
tf.argmax(self.det_anno_iou, axis=1),
add extra item at the end of tensor for labels and weights
extra_ids = tf.fill(tf.shape(max_ious),
tf.cast(tf.shape(self.gt_crowd)[0], dtype=tf.int64))
det_gt_matching_added = tf.where(tf.greater(max_ious, iou_threshold),
tf.argmax(self.det_anno_iou, axis=1),
self.labels = tf.where(tf.not_equal(det_gt_matching_added, extra_ids),
tf.ones_like(max_ious, dtype=tf.float32),
tf.zeros_like(max_ious, dtype=tf.float32))
self.weights = tf.where(tf.gather(gt_crowd_added, det_gt_matching_added),
@hosang is there any dependency on the Tensorflow version ?
I use the following tf version, which fixes a lot of issues. FYI. pip install tensorflow-gpu==0.12.1
@hosang I also have the same error. Is there any dependency on the Tensorflow version?
If it is of any help, here is what worked for me (TensorFlow 1.14) Issue #12 .
@SchroeterJulien Please see https://github.com/hosang/gossipnet/issues/14, I successfully run the code (TF 1.12.0)