esp8266-google-home-notifier copied to clipboard
Does notifier require a Chromecast device?
I have been unable to get notifier to speak through my Google Home Miini on my lan. The sketch finds the Mini, but always comes back with a "Failed to Connect to ........." message repeating the correct IP and port. Looking at the code, it seems to use the castMessage for the proto buffer. I am a rank neophyte in all this, but this seems to suggest that a Chromecast device must also be on the local lan, which I do not have. Is this true?
You don't need other Chromecast devices except for Google Home Mini. Actually, I have only Google Home Mini, I don't have another Chromecast device.
Hi the problem is't google home mini but the board device, if use other device like esp8266 esp12E Module the library work fine! , thanks a lot to HoriHiro for great job
use this code for connect via IP to google home nest mini i(s not mine )
GoogleHomeNotifier ghn; void connectToGH() { IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 12); // ip address of your google home mini nest
Serial.println("connecting to Google Home...");
if (ghn.ip(ip, "IT", 8009) != true) { // this use the IP address and language italian Serial.println(ghn.getLastError()); return; } }