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Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams

Turbo Stream's Swiss Army Knife

Welcome to TurboReady 👋

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TurboReady extends Turbo Streams to give you full control of the browser's Document Object Model (DOM).

turbo_stream.invoke "console.log", args: ["Hello World!"]

Thats right! You can invoke any DOM method on the client with Turbo Streams.

Table of Contents

  • Why TurboReady?
  • Sponsors
  • Dependencies
  • Installation
  • Setup
  • Usage
    • Method Chaining
    • Dispatching Events
    • Syntax Styles
    • Extending Behavior
    • Implementation Details
    • Broadcasting
      • Background Job Queues
  • FAQ
  • A Word of Caution
  • Community
    • Discord
    • Discussions
    • Twitter
  • TODOs
  • Releasing
  • License

Why TurboReady?

Turbo Streams intentionally restricts official actions to CRUD related activity. These official actions work well for a considerable number of use cases. Try pushing Turbo Streams as far as possible before reaching for TurboReady.

If you find that CRUD isn't enough, TurboReady is there to handle pretty much everything else.

⚠️ TurboReady is intended for Rails apps that use Hotwire but not CableReady. This is because CableReady already provides a rich set of powerful DOM operations.

📘 NOTE: Efforts are underway to bring CableReady's DOM operations to Turbo Streams.


Proudly sponsored by



Be sure to install the same version for each libary.

bundle add "turbo_ready --version VERSION"
yarn add "turbo_ready@VERSION --exact"


Import and intialize TurboReady in your application.

# Gemfile
+gem "turbo_ready", "~> 0.0.6"
# package.json
"dependencies": {
+  "@hotwired/turbo-rails": ">=7.2.0-beta.2",
+  "turbo_ready": "^0.0.6"
# app/javascript/application.js
import '@hotwired/turbo-rails'
+import TurboReady from 'turbo_ready'

+TurboReady.initialize(Turbo.StreamActions) // Adds TurboReady stream actions to Turbo


Manipulate the DOM from anywhere you use official Turbo Streams. The possibilities are endless. Learn more about the DOM at MDN.

turbo_stream.invoke "console.log", args: ["Hello World!"]

Method Chaining

You can use dot notation or selectors and even combine them!

  .invoke("document.body.insertAdjacentHTML", args: ["afterbegin", "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"]) # dot notation
  .invoke("setAttribute", args: ["data-turbo-ready", true], selector: ".button") # selector
  .invoke("classList.add", args: ["turbo-ready"], selector: "a") # dot notation + selector

Dispatching Events

It's possible to fire events on window, document, and element(s).

  .invoke("dispatchEvent", args: ["turbo-ready:demo"]) # fires on window
  .invoke("document.dispatchEvent", args: ["turbo-ready:demo"]) # fires on document
  .invoke("dispatchEvent", args: ["turbo-ready:demo"], selector: "#my-element") # fires on matching element(s)
  .invoke("dispatchEvent", args: ["turbo-ready:demo", {bubbles: true, detail: {...}}]) # set event options

Syntax Styles

You can use snake_case when invoking DOM functionality. It will implicitly convert to camelCase.

turbo_stream.invoke :dispatch_event,
  args: ["turbo-ready:demo", {detail: {converts_to_camel_case: true}}]

Need to opt-out? No problem... just disable it.

turbo_stream.invoke :contrived_demo, camelize: false

Extending Behavior

If you add new capabilities to the browser, you can control them from the server.

// JavaScript on the client
import morphdom from 'morphdom'

window.MyNamespace = {
  morph: (from, to, options = {}) => {
    morphdom(document.querySelector(from), to, options)
# Ruby on the server
turbo_stream.invoke "MyNamespace.morph",
  args: [
    "<div id='demo'><p>You've changed...</p></div>",
    {children_only: true}

Implementation Details

There's basically one method to learn... invoke

# Ruby
  .invoke(method, args: [], selector: nil, camelize: true, id: nil)
#         |       |         |              |               |
#         |       |         |              |               |- Identifies this invocation (optional)
#         |       |         |              |
#         |       |         |              |- Should we camelize the JavaScript stuff? (optional)
#         |       |         |                 (allows us to write snake_case in Ruby)
#         |       |         |
#         |       |         |- A CSS selector for the element(s) to target (optional)
#         |       |
#         |       |- The arguments to pass to the JavaScript method (optional)
#         |
#         |- The JavaScript method to invoke (can use dot notation)

📘 NOTE: The method will be invoked on all matching elements if a selector is present.

The following Ruby code,

turbo_stream.invoke "console.log", args: ["Hello World!"], id: "123ABC"

emits this HTML markup.

<turbo-stream action="invoke" target="DOM">
  <template>{"id":"123ABC","receiver":"console","method":"log","args":["Hello World!"]}</template>

When this element enters the DOM, Turbo Streams automatically executes invoke on the client with the template's JSON payload and then removes the element from the DOM.


You can also broadcast DOM invocations to subscribed users.

  1. First, setup the stream subscription.

    <!-- app/views/posts/show.html.erb -->
    <%= turbo_stream_from @post %>
    <!--                  |
                          |- *streamables - model(s), string(s), etc...
  2. Then, broadcast to the subscription.

    # app/models/post.rb
    class Post < ApplicationRecord
      after_save do
        # emit a message in the browser conosle for anyone subscribed to this post
        broadcast_invoke "console.log", args: ["Post was saved! #{to_gid.to_s}"]
        # broadcast with a background job
        broadcast_invoke_later "console.log", args: ["Post was saved! #{to_gid.to_s}"]
    # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
    class PostsController < ApplicationController
      def create
        @post = Post.find params[:id]
        if @post.update post_params
          # emit a message in the browser conosle for anyone subscribed to this post
          @post.broadcast_invoke "console.log", args: ["Post was saved! #{to_gid.to_s}"]
          # broadcast with a background job
          @post.broadcast_invoke_later "console.log", args: ["Post was saved! #{to_gid.to_s}"]
          # you can also broadcast directly from the channel
          Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_invoke_to @post, "console.log",
            args: ["Post was saved! #{@post.to_gid.to_s}"]
          # broadcast with a background job
          Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_invoke_later_to @post, "console.log",
            args: ["Post was saved! #{@post.to_gid.to_s}"]

📘 NOTE: Method Chaining is not currently supported when broadcasting.

Background Job Queues

You may want to change the queue name for Turbo Stream background jobs in order to isolate, prioritize, and scale the workers independently.

# config/initializers/turbo_streams.rb
Turbo::Streams::BroadcastJob.queue_name = :turbo_streams
TurboReady::BroadcastInvokeJob.queue_name = :turbo_streams


  • Isn't this just RJS?

    No. But, perhaps it could be considered RJS's "modern" spirtual successor. 🤷‍♂️ Though it embraces JavaScript instead of trying to avoid it.

  • Does it use eval?

    No. TurboReady can only invoke existing functions on the client. It's not a carte blanche invitation to emit free-form JavaScript to be evaluated on the client.

A Word of Caution

Don't abuse this superpower!

With great power comes great responsibility. -Uncle Ben

Manually orchestrating DOM activity is tedious. Don't overdo it... or you may find that you've created spaghetti reminiscent of the jQuery days.

This library is an extremely sharp tool. 🔪 Consider it a low-level building block that can be used to craft additional libraries like CableReady and StimulusReflex.



Please join nearly 2000 of us on Discord for support getting started, as well as active discussions around Rails, Hotwire, Stimulus, Turbo (Drive, Frames, Streams), TurboReady, CableReady, StimulusReflex, ViewComponent, Phlex, and more.


Be sure to introduce yourselves in the #newcomers channel!


Feel free to add to the conversation here on GitHub Discussions.

GitHub Discussions


Connect with the core team on Twitter.

Twitter Follow



  1. Run yarn and bundle to pick up the latest
  2. Bump version number at lib/turbo_ready/version.rb. Pre-release versions use .preN
  3. Run rake build and yarn build
  4. Run bin/standardize
  5. Commit and push changes to GitHub
  6. Run rake release
  7. Run yarn publish --no-git-tag-version
  8. Yarn will prompt you for the new version. Pre-release versions use -preN
  9. Commit and push changes to GitHub
  10. Create a new release on GitHub (here) and generate the changelog for the stable release for it


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.