grid copied to clipboard
How to use with angular 2
How to use with angular 2
I got this working with Angular 4 and webpack; exactly how and where you add code depends on your project but I'll explain the changes I made:
In package.json add grid-list and the necessary jquery libraries in your dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"grid-list": "0.4.1",
"jquery": "3.2.1",
"jquery-ui": "1.12.1"
run npm install afterwards, if needed
In vendor.browser.ts (where 3rd party libraries/assets are required)
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/draggable.js';
import '../node_modules/grid-list/src/gridList.js';
import '../node_modules/grid-list/src/jquery.gridList.js';
Then create your grid, I choose define it in the markup of a Component
<div class="cardWorkspace grid">
<div data-h="1" data-w="2" class="ui-draggable"></hl2-card>
<div data-h="1" data-w="2" class="ui-draggable"></hl2-card>
<div data-h="1" data-w="2" class="ui-draggable"></hl2-card>
<div data-h="1" data-w="2" class="ui-draggable"></hl2-card>
In the corresponding Component's class file you can then initialize gridList. Obviously you can do this in ngOnInit or triggered by something else and with your own gridList configuration.
ngAfterViewInit() { => {
direction: 'horizontal',
itemSelector: 'div.ui-draggable',
lanes: 4
Also ensure your styles in the Component and parent components create the appropriate height and width that you want:
.cardWorkspace {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
div.ui-draggable {
position: absolute
There may be a few other styles, but mine are scattered so I'm not 100% sure I didn't miss one. If in doubt reference the demo site for what you might be missing.