Flutter-Wordpress-Client copied to clipboard
Flutter ios/android app to get posts from Wordpress Rest Api
A Wordpress client for Flutter
This project uses a simple WordPress website as a backend, without any additional plugin.
For help getting started with Flutter, view Flutter online documentation.
I have used this repository: https://github.com/kbirch/wordpress_client
Make sure your WordPress version is greater or equal to 4.7
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/hooshyar/Flutter-Wordpress-Client.git
and open pubspec.yaml
flutter packages get
open config.dart and change "https://www.mihrabani.com"
to your website address for example if my website is wordpress.com you have to change it to this : "http://www.wordpress.com"
Do not add any additional characters like "/".
to your WordPress website address
run app on a simulator
flutter run
- [x] Sliver app bar
- [x] Sliver list view
- [x] Connectivity status, if offline pop a message
- [ ] Cache on device
- [x] Pull to refresh
- [x] Global perPage
- [ ] Global theming
- [ ] Setting page
- [x] Provider
- [ ] Splash screen
- [ ] Nice Categories page screen
- [ ] real time clap button like Medium
- [ ] Share and fav buttons