frida-all-in-one icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
frida-all-in-one copied to clipboard

《FRIDA操作手册》by @hluwa @r0ysue

Results 6 frida-all-in-one issues
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Hi. I'm trying to build frida on my HTC 10. I pushed frida-server by adb I tried the steps in some teaching website such as and However, when...

属实佩服 真就感觉找到了宝藏

报错部分代码: ![image]( 错误: ![image]( 想请教一下这种问题怎么解决,试过转换格式但是报no support overloads

Java.choose("com.roysue.demo02.MainActivity" , { onMatch : function(instance){ //该类有多少个实例,该回调就会被触发多少次 console.log("Found instance: "+instance); console.log("Result of secret func: " + instance.secret()); }, onComplete:function(){} }); I use the demo.js and it return fail: ![Uploading image.png…]()...

![QQ截图20190505173912]( ![QQ截图20190505173934]( 求助一下,关于interface这种类型如何hook?直接用class $init或者$new都提示不支持overload