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how to add xmlns="" <tag xmlns=""> </tag>
hello i'm new at golang and programming and i have a noobish question. i couldn't find on google the answer. the soap server fails with generated code by gowsdl. but i add this xmlns="" to auth tag its working like a charm. So how can i add this to tags?
Not accepted by server
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<Body xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetCitiesRequest xmlns="http://www.n11.com/ws/schemas">
<auth> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------ fails because no xmlns=""
Accepted by server
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetCitiesRequest xmlns="http://www.n11.com/ws/schemas">
<auth xmlns="">
im using quick fix:
buffers := new(bytes.Buffer)
buffers.WriteString(strings.ReplaceAll(buffer.String(),"<auth>","<auth xmlns=\"\">"))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", s.url, buffers)
what should i add struct tag to see empty xmlns="" ?
type GetCitiesRequest struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://www.n11.com/ws/schemas GetCitiesRequest"`
Auth *Authentication `xml:"auth,omitempty" json:"auth,omitempty"`
type Authentication struct {
AppKey string `xml:"appKey,omitempty" json:"appKey,omitempty"`
AppSecret string `xml:"appSecret,omitempty" json:"appSecret,omitempty"`
Any help appreciated, sorry for if i did something wrong with opening new issue.
found answer on stackoverflow, add as attr. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66928251/how-to-add-empty-xmlns-to-struct-tag-for-request