thorchain-arb copied to clipboard
multichain arb bot using thorchain liquidity
Recent Update
This repo is in progress, I was able to already arb between ftx and thorchain MCCN using BUSD as a base asset. This arb is not ready for public use, you must understand the code in order to use it, this can serve as a basis for people who want to develop arb bots. I will be making updates to this repo constantly.
Donation: if this repo ended up helping you, feel free to donate:
- THOR.RUNE: thor194dh5grmq405kvajtfylvkc4639frzkwu38r7p
Installing Dependencies
update midgard and thornode api client
midgard api client isn't being supported currently, you can download the openapi json directly at "" I am using siaskynet as a decentralized cloud for uploading swagger client
pip install siaskynet
(cd script/ && python
pip install midgard_client/
pip install thornode_client/
HINT: since the opnapi json isn't completed, sometimes
the swagger client generated can contain small bugs,
usually the fix is to change return type of
api endpoint from None to Object
creating mnemonic phrase and store in secret/
pip install mnemonic
mkdir secret/
python utils/
ls secret/
returns real_mnemonic
(Not sure of the status, 12 words should be fine for now)issue with 12 words mnemonic
xchainpy_binance module has problem with 12 words mnemonic, using 24 words for now.
python words = Mnemonic(language).generate(strength=256)
thorchain deposit function not available
install xchainpy module
pip install xchainpy_ethereum xchainpy_bitcoin xchainpy_bitcoincash xchainpy_binance xchainpy_litecoin xchainpy_thorchain xchainpy_util
binance dex
make sure you have some bnb to broadcast msg
pacman -S libsecp256k1
mac with m1 chip
you need to compile libsecp256k1 from source, then
CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" pip install secp256k1
to install numpy:
pip install Cython
git clone
cd numpy
pip install . --no-binary :all: --no-use-pep517
install cex module
pip install pyotp
pip install ccxt
install db module
I am using MongoDb as a backend for storing transactions happened on thorchain that needs to be handled by cex module, you can use your personal favourite database or just execute the orders inmediately.
pip install pymongo dnspython
work flow
specify mnemonic
in you can specify the location of your phrase:
MNEMONICFILE = "secret/real_mnemonic"
check account balance and address
python tests/
2021-05-11 15:20:03,571 - DEBUG - thornode : Initial seeds: ['', ''] (
2021-05-11 15:20:04,196 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:04,575 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:04,831 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:05,116 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:05,209 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:05,493 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:05,586 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:05,985 - INFO - thornode : probing (
2021-05-11 15:20:06,073 - DEBUG - thornode : Network: Seeds collected: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] (
2021-05-11 15:20:06,974 - INFO - thornode : Oracle Module On (
2021-05-11 15:20:08,683 - INFO - account : BTC asset: BTC.BTC amount:0.0 address: bc1q55mqk9z7gtj7u6hfptqmp7qrscrljest7pqjq5 (
2021-05-11 15:20:08,818 - INFO - account : ETH balance :0 address: 0xceC1Fec03F320531234321360302456105b6d9E3 (
2021-05-11 15:20:09,131 - INFO - account : LTC asset: LTC.LTC amount:0.0 address: ltc1qh8mhk2hpsr8n95mycqajwjw2gwmuqwwf44k8za (
2021-05-11 15:20:09,438 - INFO - account : BNB DEX: no balance (
2021-05-11 15:20:09,438 - INFO - account : address: bnb18hy3ar2gcyekdvq7r3ryk0nwuca7pxz7zlxuex (
you can see the api_client module probing different ip to get consensus
specify base-asset
you can find
profile_1 = {'network': 'MCCN', 'unit_asset':'BNB.BUSD-BD1', 'trading_asset':['BCH.BCH'], 'cex_oracle': ftx, 'diff':4}
- network: MCCN to arb on multichain-chaosnet
- unit_asset: base asset of all trades, you increase in this asset
- trading_asset: what pairs are you gonna use
- cex_oracle: which cex are you using
- diff: difference in output amount to execute trade
specify the consensus model
you can find
thor = THORTrader(network=network, host=["", ""])
you can use to find a series of host that you trust, and pass them in a list. if you choose to ignore the parameter host, the default is to:
- probe num_seeding number of random nodes, ensure they return same list of active-nodes
- probe num_seeding number of random active nodes, ensure they return same pool depth for all pools
- this probing process keeps on going, you can specify the time in cache_time
all above variables can be modifed in
in root directory
pip install pytest pytest-asyncio
pytest midgard_client/test/
pytest thornode_client/test/