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No Wifi - followed all steps
Description Everything working fine over ethernet. Power down, unplug ethernet, power up, connect to HOOBS wifi, splash screen, log into home wifi, says connection successful..... and nothing. The HOOBS wifi stays on, and it never connects. I have tried this many times, rebooted, different sequences, different devices (laptop and iphone), same thing.
Version Please include the version of HOOBS you are using.
Did you upgrade Please let us know if you upgraded from a previous version.
- [ ] Yes
- [x ] No
Pervious version If you upgraded, please let us know your previous version.
What device are you using? Please let us know the device you are running HOOBS on.
- [ ] HOOBS Box
- [ ] HOOBS SD Card
- [x ] Custom Install
If this is a custom install, what's your operating system? Please let us know what operating system and version you are using. Ex. Fedora 30 or macOS Catalina.
HOOBS image on RPI 4 (built into keyboard)
List your plugins Please include a list of the plugins you are using. We need to be able to find it on NPM. If the plugin is no published, please include a link to the repository.
ewelink, govee, vesync, levoit humidifier
Post your config
This can be found in the interface, Configuration -> Advanced or you can get it via SSH cat ~/.hoobs/etc/config.json
- Remove any passwords from the config file. This is public.
Post your log You can get the log from the interface. This is in the Log section.
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.