Jan Dvorak
Jan Dvorak
One easy change would be to drop report confirmations entirely if Smokey's backlogged in chat. And if folks really want those, then push them after any pending actual reports. For...
The correct ratios depend on the amount of spam during the measurement period. A better solution would be based on sensitivity and specificity (say, sens + spec < 100%?) On...
spec + sens is always Yes, using the sens/spec metrics would seem to be a much better solution. > The exact ratios may need some adjusting, but shall we start...
It might get confusing who is the J. Random Troll and who is the reporter here... people will get used to it, but people will make jokes before they get...
I thought this was already in place? On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Mooseman [email protected] wrote: > Please give Pham the ability to process tp del or tp...
Remove completely, or convert it to text? The former only requires pairing $ on sites that support mathjax, but... How do you tell if a site supports mathjax? Hardcoding it...
Seems LQ to me, but I'm not sure it needs our handling. The auto-whitelist should be able to handle that if we don't. I've never been a fan of that...
Please do. Not sure if it's strictly necessary, but it should be helpful. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Sam [email protected] wrote: > So... it looks like just...
If you feel like parsing mathjax... sure, go ahead. Be sure to keep the main code clean, though. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Sam [email protected] wrote: >...
I've grepped the FDSC code for "local" and there doesn't seem to be any code to delete stuff from local storage. The only time it writes to the storage is...