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VS Code Go Snippets

If you find this extension useful, please consider to buy me a coffee ☕ 😉

This extension contains code snippets for Go language in VS Code.


In order to install an extension you need to launch the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type Extensions. There you have either the option to show the already installed snippets or install new ones. Search for honnamkuan.golang-snippets and install it.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • Go (.go)


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one.


Prefix Content
vv initialize variable varName := value
ier if error if err != nil { myStatements }
ifok if ok if value,ok := myFunc; ok { myStatements }
fr for range for _, v := range values { myStatements }
frr for range channel for v := range channel { myStatements }
def case default default:
cl close close(closable)
fms fmt Sprintf fmt.Sprintf("%+v", args)
fme fmt Errorf fmt.Errorf("%+v", args)
ctx ctx context.Context


Prefix Content
st struct type
type structName struct {
sf struct field fieldName string
stt struct tag `json:"jsonFieldName"`
ne struct constructor method
func NewFoo() *Foo{
return &Foo {
inte Interface type
type interfaceName interface {

Collection manipulation

Prefix Content
sr remove one element from slice slice = append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
ap append element to slice slice = append(slice, element)
del delete map element by key delete(map, key)

Return values

Prefix Content
rn Return Nil return nil
rne Return Nil and err return nil, err
re Return err return err


Prefix Content
lo log variable log.Printf("%+v\n", varName)
le log error log.Printf("%+v\n", err)
lef log error (when using logrus) log.Errorf("%+v\n", err)
lf log fatal log.Fatal(err)
lff log fatal log.Fatalf("%+v\n", err)

Error Handling

Prefix Content
es errors with stack errors.WithStack(err)
em error with message errors.WithMessage(err, message)
emf error with messagef errors.WithMessagef(err, format, args)
is errors Is if errors.Is(err, MyError) { myStatements }
as errors As
var e ErrorType
errors.As(err, &e) {


Prefix Content
gofunc anonymous go function go func() { myStatements }
defunc anonymous defer function defer func { myStatements }
lock sync.Mutex Lock and defer Unlock
defer mu.Unlock()
nb non-blocking channel send
select {
case msg <- msgChan:

Testify Assert

Prefix Content
anil assert nil assert.Nil(t, actual)
annil assert not nil assert.NotNil(t, actual)
aeq assert equal assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
anerr assert no error assert.NoError(t, err)


Prefix Content
logrus import logrus log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"