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Full text search for flask.

  • flask-msearch [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Msearch][https://img.shields.io/badge/pypi-v0.2.9.2-brightgreen.svg]] [[https://python.org][https://img.shields.io/badge/python-2/3-brightgreen.svg]] [[LICENSE][https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD-blue.svg]]

** Installation To install flask-msearch:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell pip install flask-msearch

when MSEARCH_BACKEND = "whoosh"

pip install whoosh blinker

when MSEARCH_BACKEND = "elasticsearch", only for 6.x.x

pip install elasticsearch==6.3.1 #+END_SRC

Or alternatively, you can download the repository and install manually by doing: #+BEGIN_SRC sehll git clone https://github.com/honmaple/flask-msearch cd flask-msearch python setup.py install #+END_SRC

** Quickstart #+BEGIN_SRC python from flask_msearch import Search [...] search = Search() search.init_app(app)

 # models.py
 class Post(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'post'
     __searchable__ = ['title', 'content']

 # views.py
 def w_search():
     keyword = request.args.get('keyword')
     results = Post.query.msearch(keyword,fields=['title'],limit=20).filter(...)
     # or
     results = Post.query.filter(...).msearch(keyword,fields=['title'],limit=20).filter(...)
     # elasticsearch
     keyword = "title:book AND content:read"
     # more syntax please visit https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
     results = Post.query.msearch(keyword,limit=20).filter(...)
     return ''


** Config

#+BEGIN_SRC python # when backend is elasticsearch, MSEARCH_INDEX_NAME is unused # flask-msearch will use table name as elasticsearch index name unless set msearch_index MSEARCH_INDEX_NAME = 'msearch' # simple,whoosh,elaticsearch, default is simple MSEARCH_BACKEND = 'whoosh' # table's primary key if you don't like to use id, or set msearch_primary_key for special model MSEARCH_PRIMARY_KEY = 'id' # auto create or update index MSEARCH_ENABLE = True # logger level, default is logging.WARNING MSEARCH_LOGGER = logging.DEBUG # SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS must be set to True when msearch auto index is enabled SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = True # when backend is elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCH = {"hosts": [""]} #+END_SRC

** Usage #+BEGIN_SRC python from flask_msearch import Search [...] search = Search() search.init_app(app)

 class Post(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'basic_posts'
     __searchable__ = ['title', 'content']

     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = db.Column(db.String(49))
     content = db.Column(db.Text)

     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Post:{}>'.format(self.title)


if raise sqlalchemy ValueError,please pass db param to Search #+BEGIN_SRC python db = SQLalchemy() search = Search(db=db) #+END_SRC

*** Create_index #+BEGIN_SRC sh search.create_index() search.create_index(Post) #+END_SRC

*** Update_index #+BEGIN_SRC python search.update_index() search.update_index(Post) # or search.create_index(update=True) search.create_index(Post, update=True) #+END_SRC

*** Delete_index #+BEGIN_SRC python search.delete_index() search.delete_index(Post) # or search.create_index(delete=True) search.create_index(Post, delete=True) #+END_SRC

*** Custom Analyzer only for whoosh backend #+BEGIN_SRC python from jieba.analyse import ChineseAnalyzer search = Search(analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer()) #+END_SRC

or use =__msearch_analyzer__= for special model
#+BEGIN_SRC python
  class Post(db.Model):
      __tablename__ = 'post'
      __searchable__ = ['title', 'content', 'tag.name']
      __msearch_analyzer__ = ChineseAnalyzer()

*** Custom index name If you want to set special index name for some model. #+BEGIN_SRC python class Post(db.Model): tablename = 'post' searchable = ['title', 'content', 'tag.name'] msearch_index = "post111" #+END_SRC

*** Custom schema #+BEGIN_SRC python from whoosh.fields import ID

 class Post(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'post'
     __searchable__ = ['title', 'content', 'tag.name']
     __msearch_schema__ = {'title': ID(stored=True, unique=True), 'content': 'text'}

*Note:* if you use =hybrid_property=, default field type is =Text= unless set special =__msearch_schema__=

*** Custom parser #+begin_src python from whoosh.qparser import MultifieldParser

  class Post(db.Model):
      __tablename__ = 'post'
      __searchable__ = ['title', 'content']

      def _parser(fieldnames, schema, group, **kwargs):
          return MultifieldParser(fieldnames, schema, group=group, **kwargs)

      __msearch_parser__ = _parser

*Note:* Only for =MSEARCH_BACKEND= is =whoosh=

*** Custom index signal flask-msearch uses flask signal to update index by default, if you want to use other asynchronous tools such as celey to update index, please set special =MSEARCH_INDEX_SIGNAL= #+begin_src python # app.py app.config["MSEARCH_INDEX_SIGNAL"] = celery_signal # or use string as variable app.config["MSEARCH_INDEX_SIGNAL"] = "modulename.tasks.celery_signal" search = Search(app)

  # tasks.py
  from flask_msearch.signal import default_signal

  def celery_signal_task(self, backend, sender, changes):
      default_signal(backend, sender, changes)
      return str(self.request.id)

  def celery_signal(backend, sender, changes):
      return celery_signal_task.delay(backend, sender, changes)

** Relate index(Experimental) for example #+BEGIN_SRC python class Tag(db.Model): tablename = 'tag'

     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = db.Column(db.String(49))

 class Post(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'post'
     __searchable__ = ['title', 'content', 'tag.name']

     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = db.Column(db.String(49))
     content = db.Column(db.Text)

     # one to one
     tag_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('tag.id'))
     tag = db.relationship(
         Tag, backref=db.backref(
             'post', uselist=False), uselist=False)

     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Post:{}>'.format(self.title)


You must add msearch_FUN to Tag model,or the tag.name can't auto update. #+BEGIN_SRC python class Tag.... ...... def msearch_post_tag(self, delete=False): from sqlalchemy import text sql = text('select id from post where tag_id=' + str(self.id)) return { 'attrs': [{ 'id': str(i[0]), 'tag.name': self.name } for i in db.engine.execute(sql)], '_index': Post } #+END_SRC