我通过java的restTemplate向drogon发送post请求,并通过MultiPartParser解析表单数据,但是解析出来的数据名称出现错误 java的相关代码 ```java MultiValueMap params = new LinkedMultiValueMap(); params.add("att_info", attInfo.toJSONString()); params.add("src", videoSrcUrl); params.add("task_name", "dynatt_" + taskId); params.add("in_type", videoSrcType); ResponseEntity resp = restTemplate.postForEntity(serverUrl + "/dyn_att", params, String.class); ``` drogon的部分 ```cpp MultiPartParser...
@Fang-Haoshu 您好,我现在正在尝试训练更轻量的SPPE。我现在想知道Halpe136关键点的预训练模型是不是并不只是在那个Halpe项目上提供的数据集上进行了训练,而是用了很多其他的数据集做了预训练。请问是这样吗?如果是,能否分享一下训练的过程,比如依次用了哪些数据集,配置了什么样的yaml文件?非常感谢。
I try to use tflite-engine in my projects and it threw a exception like the following while other engine would download the library automaticlly ``` SLF4J: Failed to load class...
According to my understanding, the avg estimator is the average value of labels for tasks like class_object. Is that correct? However, how to understand avg estimator of the tasks whose...
Could you please provide the code you use?