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There is a deserialization vulnerability

Open lip2eye opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

In HtxkEmsm/HtxkEmsm-framework/src/main/java/com/htxk/ruoyi/framework/config/ShiroConfig.java we can find a fixed key and uses this key to encrypt the rememberMe parameter in the cookie. It will cause deserialization vulnerability


I set up a a local environment for attacks.

I found that the source code contains commons-collections-3.2.1.jar dependency, which is actually a dependency included in shiro. Using this dependency, it is possible to generate a deserialized payload and then encrypt the payload using the key obtained by blasting. write this payload after the rememberMe field and attack it. Successful RCE.


lip2eye avatar Jul 29 '22 16:07 lip2eye