Alec hong

Results 48 issues of Alec hong

### Version 5.5.1 ### Link to Minimal Reproduction The scatter brushselect can not select the real point in my data ### Steps to Reproduce the part of data lying below:...


### Version 5.2.2 ### Link to Minimal Reproduction The scatter show error ### Steps to Reproduce var chartDom = document.getElementById('main'); var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom); var option; var data = [{'barcode':...


Hi developer, There are lying code @shared_task(queue='order_queue',time_limit=10) def create_order_task(order_id): # try: # print(f'创建订单任务: {order_id}') # # self.reject(requeue=False) it getting error Reject('拒绝',requeue=False) it show me error in console # except Exception...

Issue Type: Feature Request

import pika # 最新版1.3.2 # connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost', heartbeat=0)) print("connection->",connection) channel = # 2 创建队列 channel.queue_declare(queue='hello',durable=True) # 并指定队列名称queue="name" 持久化durable=T # 3 向指定队列插入数据 channel.basic_publish(exchange='', # 简单模式 routing_key='hello', # 指定队列,向那个队列中插入数据...

Hi, developer, checking GDAL: linking with --libs only... yes checking GDAL: /usr/local/share/gdal/pcs.csv readable... yes checking GDAL: checking whether PROJ is available for linking:... yes checking GDAL: checking whether PROJ is...

Hi developer, jjDotPlot(object = obj, gene = genes, id = 'celltype', = 'groups', = T) the error lying below Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length Error in `.rowNamesDF

Hi developer, It was weird when call FeatureCornerAxes function in scRNAtoolVis package version 0.1.0, it not found,the error lying below: > ?scRNAtoolVis::FeatureCornerAxes No documentation for ‘FeatureCornerAxes’ in specified packages and...

Hi developer, I want to draw the scatterCellPlot ,but it get error the error lying below: packageVersion('scRNAtoolVis') [1] ‘0.1.0’ > scRNAtoolVis::scatterCellPlot(object = b_cells_reclsuter1) Error in grid.pretty(current.viewport()$xscale, n = breaks) :...