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q question when build modchain in AEShomo
I try to turn the AEShomo to SM4homo,so I revise the AEShomo code which is too old to adapt to newest HELib. I have already fixed a number of bugs. But when I run the Test_AEShomo_Test, there is always a tip said "Small prime q is already in the prime chain" .I wanan know why and is that related to parameter B or others.
Here's the full error message: ros@ros-virtual-machine:~/Desktop/HElib-master/aeshomo/src/aes$ ./Test_AES_x *** Test_AES: c=3, N=120, boot=0, packed=1, m=771 (=[771]), gens=[10], ords=[-32] computing key-independent tables...terminate called after throwing an instance of 'helib::LogicError' what(): Small prime q is already in the prime chain Aborted (core dumped)
`/** Test_AES.cpp - test program for homomorphic AES using HElib */ #if defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(unix) #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #endif
namespace std {
using namespace std;
namespace NTL {
using namespace NTL;
namespace helib {
using namespace helib;
static long mValues[][14] = { //{ p, phi(m), m, d, m1, m2, m3, g1, g2, g3,ord1,ord2,ord3, c_m} {2, 512, 771, 16, 771, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, -32, 0, 0, 100}, // m=(3){257} :-( // m/phim(m)=1.5 C=77 // D=2 E=4 {2, 4096, 4369, 16, 17, 257, 0, 258, 4115, 0, 16, -16, 0, 100}, // m=17(257) :-( m/phim(m)=1.06 C=61 D=3 E=4 {2, 16384, 21845, 16, 17, 5, 257, 8996, 17477, 21591, 16, 4, -16, 1600}, // m=517(257) :-( m/phim(m)=1.33 C=65 D=4 E=4 {2, 23040, 28679, 24, 17, 7, 241, 15184, 4098, 28204, 16, 6, -10, 1500}, // m=717(241) m/phim(m)=1.24 C=63 D=4 E=3 {2, 46080, 53261, 24, 17, 13, 241, 43863, 28680, 15913, 16, 12, -10, 100}, // m=1317(241) m/phim(m)=1.15 C=69 D=4 E=3 {2, 64512, 65281, 48, 97, 673, 0, 43073, 22214, 0, 96, -14, 0, 100} // m=97*(673) :-( m/phim(m)=1.01 C=169 D=3 E=4 };
// #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTOUT // extern SecKey* dbgKey; // extern EncryptedArray* dbgEa; // #define FLAG_PRINT_ZZX 1 // #define FLAG_PRINT_POLY 2 // #define FLAG_PRINT_VEC 4 // extern void decryptAndPrint(ostream& s, // const Ctxt& ctxt, // const SecKey& sk, // const EncryptedArray& ea, // long flags = 0); // #endif
void printState(Vec<uint8_t>& st); extern long AESKeyExpansion(unsigned char RoundKey[], unsigned char Key[], int NN); extern void Cipher(unsigned char out[16], unsigned char in[16], unsigned char RoundKey[], int Nr);
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ArgMap amap;
long idx = 0; amap.arg("sz", idx, "parameter-sets: toy=0 through huge=5");
long c = 3; amap.arg("c", c, "number of columns in the key-switching matrices");
long N = 120; amap.arg("N", N, "#模链的位数");
long B = 30; amap.arg("B", B, "# of bits per level (only 64-bit machines)");
bool boot = false; amap.arg("boot", boot, "includes bootstrapping");
bool packed = true; amap.arg("packed", packed, "use packed bootstrapping");
amap.parse(argc, argv); if (idx > 5) idx = 5;
// if (boot) { // if (L < 23) // L = 23; // if (idx < 1) // idx = 1; // the sz=0 params are incompatible with bootstrapping // } else { // #if (NTL_SP_NBITS < 50) // if (L < 46) // L = 46; // #else // if (L < 42) // L = 42; // #endif // }
long p = mValues[idx][0]; // long phim = mValues[idx][1]; long m = mValues[idx][2];
append(mvec, mValues[idx][4]); if (mValues[idx][5] > 1) append(mvec, mValues[idx][5]); if (mValues[idx][6] > 1) append(mvec, mValues[idx][6]);
gens.push_back(mValues[idx][7]); if (mValues[idx][8] > 1) gens.push_back(mValues[idx][8]); if (mValues[idx][9] > 1) gens.push_back(mValues[idx][9]);
ords.push_back(mValues[idx][10]); if (abs(mValues[idx][11]) > 1) ords.push_back(mValues[idx][11]); if (abs(mValues[idx][12]) > 1) ords.push_back(mValues[idx][12]);
// cout << "*** Test_AES: c=" << c << ", L=" << L << ", B=" << B // << ", boot=" << boot << ", packed=" << packed << ", m=" << m // << " (=" << mvec << "), gens=" << gens << ", ords=" << ords << endl;
cout << "*** Test_AES: c=" << c << ", N=" << N << ", boot=" << boot << ", packed=" << packed << ", m=" << m << " (=" << mvec << "), gens=" << gens << ", ords=" << ords << endl;
setTimersOn(); double tm = -GetTime(); cout << "computing key-independent tables..." << std::flush; // helib::Context(m, p, /r=/1, gens, ords); helib::ContextBuilderhelib::BGV ContextBuilder; helib::ContextBuilderhelib::BGV() .m(m) .p(p) .r(1) .gens(gens) .ords(ords) .bits(B) .c(mValues[idx][13] / 100.0) .bootstrappable(true) .mvec(mvec);
// #if (NTL_SP_NBITS >= 50) // 64-bit machines // ContextBuilder.bits(B); // #endif
// ContextBuilder.c(mValues[idx][13] / 100.0); // the ring constant
helib::Context context = ContextBuilder.build(); context.Context::buildModChain(2, 3);
if (boot) context.Context::enableBootStrapping(mvec); // makeBootstrappable(mvec); tm += GetTime(); cout << "done in " << tm << " seconds\n";
// context.getZMStar().printout(); { IndexSet allPrimes(0, context.numPrimes() - 1); cout << " " << context.numPrimes() << " primes (" << context.getCtxtPrimes().card() << " ctxt/" << context.getSpecialPrimes().card() << " special), total bitsize=" << context.logOfProduct(allPrimes) << ", security level: " << context.securityLevel() << endl; }
long e = mValues[idx][3] / 8; // extension degree cout << " " << context.getZMStar().getNSlots() << " slots (" << (context.getZMStar().getNSlots() / 16) << " blocks) per ctxt"; if (boot && packed) cout << ". x" << e << " ctxts"; cout << endl;
cout << "computing key-dependent tables..." << std::flush; tm = -GetTime(); SecKey secretKey(context); PubKey& publicKey = secretKey; secretKey.GenSecKey(64); // A Hamming-weight-64 secret key
// Add key-switching matrices for the automorphisms that we need long ord = context.getZMStar().OrderOf(0); for (long i = 1; i < 16; i++) { // rotation along 1st dim by size i*ord/16 long exp = i * ord / 16; long val = PowerMod(context.getZMStar().ZmStarGen(0), exp, m); // val = g^exp
// From s(X^val) to s(X)
secretKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val);
if (!context.getZMStar().SameOrd(0))
// also from s(X^{1/val}) to s(X)
secretKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, InvMod(val, m));
addFrbMatrices(secretKey); // Also add Frobenius key-switching if (boot) { // more tables addSome1DMatrices(secretKey); // compute more key-switching matrices secretKey.genRecryptData(); } tm += GetTime(); cout << "done in " << tm << " seconds\n";
#ifdef DEBUG_PRINTOUT dbgKey = &secretKey; // debugging key and ea
ZZX aesPoly; // X^8+X^4+X^3+X+1 SetCoeff(aesPoly, 8); SetCoeff(aesPoly, 4); SetCoeff(aesPoly, 3); SetCoeff(aesPoly, 1); SetCoeff(aesPoly, 0); dbgEa = new EncryptedArray(context, aesPoly); #endif
cout << "computing AES tables..." << std::flush; tm = -GetTime(); HomAES hAES(context); // compute AES-specific key-independent tables const EncryptedArrayDerived<PA_GF2>& ea2 = hAES.getEA(); long blocksPerCtxt = ea2.size() / 16;
long nBlocks; if (boot && packed) nBlocks = blocksPerCtxt * e; else nBlocks = blocksPerCtxt;
Vec<uint8_t> ptxt(INIT_SIZE, nBlocks * 16); Vec<uint8_t> aesCtxt(INIT_SIZE, nBlocks * 16); Vec<uint8_t> aesKey(INIT_SIZE, 16); // AES-128 uint8_t keySchedule[240];
// Choose random key, data { GF2X rnd; random(rnd, 8 * ptxt.length()); BytesFromGF2X(ptxt.data(), rnd, aesKey.length()); random(rnd, 8 * aesKey.length()); BytesFromGF2X(aesKey.data(), rnd, aesKey.length()); }
// Encrypt the AES key under the HE key vector<Ctxt> encryptedAESkey; hAES.encryptAESkey(encryptedAESkey, aesKey, publicKey); tm += GetTime(); cout << "done in " << tm << " seconds\n";
// Perform homomorphic AES cout << "AES encryption " << std::flush; vector<Ctxt> doublyEncrypted; tm = -GetTime(); hAES.homAESenc(doublyEncrypted, encryptedAESkey, ptxt); tm += GetTime();
// Check that AES succeeeded Vec<ZZX> poly(INIT_SIZE, doublyEncrypted.size()); for (long i = 0; i < poly.length(); i++) secretKey.Decrypt(poly[i], doublyEncrypted[i]); decode4AES(aesCtxt, poly, hAES.getEA());
AESKeyExpansion(keySchedule, aesKey.data(), /keyLength=/128); Vec<uint8_t> tmpBytes(INIT_SIZE, nBlocks * 16); for (long i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) { Vec<uint8_t> tmp(INIT_SIZE, 16); Cipher(&tmpBytes[16 * i], &ptxt[16 * i], keySchedule, /numRounds=/10); } if (aesCtxt != tmpBytes) { cerr << "@ encryption error\n"; if (aesCtxt.length() != tmpBytes.length()) cerr << " size mismatch, should be " << tmpBytes.length() << " but is " << aesCtxt.length() << endl; else { cerr << " input = "; printState(ptxt); cerr << endl; cerr << " output ="; printState(aesCtxt); cerr << endl; cerr << "should be "; printState(tmpBytes); cerr << endl; } } else { cout << "in " << tm << " seconds\n"; printNamedTimer(cout, "batchRecrypt"); printNamedTimer(cout, "recryption"); } resetAllTimers();
// Decrypt and check that you have the same thing as before cout << "AES decryption " << std::flush; tm = -GetTime(); hAES.homAESdec(doublyEncrypted, encryptedAESkey, aesCtxt); tm += GetTime();
for (long i = 0; i < poly.length(); i++) secretKey.Decrypt(poly[i], doublyEncrypted[i]); decode4AES(tmpBytes, poly, hAES.getEA()); if (ptxt != tmpBytes) { cerr << "@ decryption error\n"; if (ptxt.length() != tmpBytes.length()) cerr << " size mismatch, should be " << tmpBytes.length() << " but is " << ptxt.length() << endl; else { cerr << " input = "; printState(aesCtxt); cerr << endl; cerr << " output ="; printState(tmpBytes); cerr << endl; cerr << "should be "; printState(ptxt); cerr << endl; } } else { cout << "in " << tm << " seconds\n"; printNamedTimer(cout, "batchRecrypt"); printNamedTimer(cout, "recryption"); } #if (defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(unix)) struct rusage rusage; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage); cout << "rusage.ru_maxrss=" << rusage.ru_maxrss << endl << endl; #endif }