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Ring Integration does not show Ring Intercom device/entities
The problem
I have sucessfully signed in in the Ring Integration but it doesn't show any devices.
I have currently set up a Ring Intercom with my Ring account
What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
No response
What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant Container
Integration causing the issue
Link to integration documentation on our website
Diagnostics information
No response
Example YAML snippet
No response
Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
Additional information
No response
Same here maybe the device is to new ??
Same here maybe the device is to new ??
Yes. Not yet supported in the used python library. needs to be resolved before the Home Assistant component can be updated.
Not sure if that helps here but i created a pull request there which would add the ability to open the door, invite users and delete users / invitations. See here
Not sure if that helps here but i created a pull request there which would add the ability to open the door, invite users and delete users / invitations. See here
Awesome! Now a sensor if someone rings the door is all that is missing
Not sure if that helps here but i created a pull request there which would add the ability to open the door, invite users and delete users / invitations. See here
Awesome! Now a sensor if someone rings the door is all that is missing
If I have some time on the weekend, I will look into that. Some details are missing as well, but yeah core functionality should be available
how can I intigrate this ( in Home-Assistant?
Thanks Gunter
There seems to be some movement on this, I would be very happy if this was also available for homeassistant very soon
Hello all,
for all those who may not have implemented and realized it yet. Who has the possibility to set up a Homebridge Istanz e.g. on his NAS system, Raspberry or other can already integrate Ring Intercom completely in HomeAssistant via the HomeKit controller. It runs stable and is excellent :-) The only thing that does not run correctly yet is the battery condition but I think you can cope with that.
That is at least a good workaround - thank you!
How do you catch if somebody rings the door? ("Haustür beim Klingeln öffnen")? I haven't found a sensor for that
Go to Integration and click on the device then on Automation "single_press button 1" :-) From my point of view it made sense to activate this automation only for 15 minutes when my phone enters the Home Zone.
That improved the responsiveness of my ring to open automation by ten times or so - thank you!!
Hello phunkybeam,
kannst Du mir aufzeigen wie ich die Ring Intercom in die Home Bidge bekomme?
Ich habe eine Homebridge Instanz erstellt und anschließend den HomeKit controller, der Ring Intercom taucht aber nicht als Gerät auf?
Was mache ich falsch?
can you show me how to get the Ring Intercom into the Home Bridge?
I created a Homebridge instance and then the HomeKit controller, but the Ring Intercom does not show up as a device?
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your Help Gunter
Moin Gunter, wenn du die Ring Integration auf deiner Hombridge-Instanz installiert hast und deine Kontodaten entsprechend hinterlegt hast und die 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung durch ist, dann einfach die Instanz einmal neu starten, dann solltest du in der Konsole sehen wie die Verbindung zu Ring aufgebaut wird :-)
Hallo phunkybeam,
Danke für Deine Antwort.
Ich glaube ich habe etwas falsch verstanden :-(
So habe ich es in HA hinzugefügt:
Ich betreibe HA auf einem RasPi und habe nur den HA darauf installiert.
Gibt es ein ToDo wie ich die Ring Intercom auf meinem HA zum laufen bekomme?
Danke nochmals für deine Hilfe.
Viele Grüße Gunter
Hallo Gunter, das wird so leider nicht funktionieren, da der HomeKit-Controller nur die Geräte bereitstellt, die sich im eigentlichem Apple Universum befinden ( Diese Integration holt sich also den Ring Intercom von meiner Homebridge. Die HomeKit Integration ist dafür gedacht Geräte und Entitäten von HomeAssistant auf einer Hombridge zur Verfügung zu stellen also umgekehrter weg wie z.B. von HomeAssistant zu Alexa über NabuCasa (
Das was es hier nun bräuchte um es direkt auf HassOS zum laufen zu bringen wäre ein Add-On was es leider wohl nicht mehr gibt ( :-/
Bei mir läuft die Hombridge in einem gesonderten Container auf meinem Unraid NAS, da dieser auch gleichzeitig mein Datenbankserver, DNS, RverseProxy, MQTT Broker etc. zur Verfügung stellt muss das ohnehin immer laufen. Somit hat mein RPI4 auch nicht ganz soviel Last :-)
Gruß Kai
Hallo Kai,
danke für Deine Antwort.
Ich habe nun auf einem Raspi Homebridge installiert.
Wie bekomme ich nun das Plugin für Ring Intercom in die Homebridge?
Danke für Deine Hilfe!!!
Viele Grüße Gunter
Hallo Kai,
Sorry zu kompliziert gedacht! Eingabe nach "Ring" in der Plugins Suche hat geholfen.
Viele Grüße Gunter
Hallo Kai,
ich habe es nun geschaft mittels der Installation von Homebridge auf einem Raspi die Ring Intercom auf meinem Homeassistant zum laufen zu bekommen!
Danke für deine Hilfe und Anregungen!
Viele Grüße Gunter
Same here. I have successfully installed the Ring integration but it doesn's show the Ring Glass Break Sensor. Any ideas?
What does the glass break sensor have to do with the door opener intercom? I think that would be a separate topic. Also, I don't know what you have installed and how. And whether the glass break sensor is already supported by any integration.
Not sure if that helps here but i created a pull request there which would add the ability to open the door, invite users and delete users / invitations. See here
Awesome! Now a sensor if someone rings the door is all that is missing
If I have some time on the weekend, I will look into that. Some details are missing as well, but yeah core functionality should be available
Great work. unfortunatelly it seems that tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell is more or less abandoned. The latest commit is from Dec 18, 2021 though there are multiple promissing pull requests. Most likely there won't be any progress until sombody creates a fork and the homeassistant integration migrates to that fork.
I know you don't like it, but: @balloob Since you have already released some releases of python-ring-doorbell, could you either see if you create a new release or contact the owner and maybe talk about a handover or similar?
@tsightler makes a great Ring2Mqtt Bridge based on dgreif ring api. and there is also a homeassistant addon. In the dev branch (under addon settings branch=dev) it now supports the intercom.
@d0np3p3 can you explain it a bit more i get the Message "No devices found for location ID #####-###### " mode is changed to dev mode what may i be missing ?
In the addon settings And give it some time to fetch the dev files (see log) Restart the addon, and maybe homeassistant
@d0np3p3 no luck on dev mode took a while to start after but started but still no device found.. also HA reboot...
BUT: "Updating ring-mqtt to the dev version... Cloning into 'ring-mqtt-dev'... Installing node module dependencies, please wait... The ring-mqtt-dev branch has been updated. cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0 s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting services-up: info: copying legacy longrun ring-mqtt (no readiness notification) s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
ring-mqtt.js version: 5.2.0 Node version v18.12.1 NPM version 9.1.2 git version 2.38.3
Running ring-mqtt... 2023-02-24T11:13:19.682Z ring-mqtt Detected runmode: addon 2023-02-24T11:13:19.690Z ring-mqtt Configuration file: /data/options.json 2023-02-24T11:13:24.366Z ring-mqtt Reading latest data from state file: /data/ring-state.json 2023-02-24T11:13:24.371Z ring-mqtt Succesfully started the token generator web UI "
RUNMODE "Detected runmode: addon" it does not change semingly to dev?
ring-mqtt.js version: 5.2.0
Is the one which intergrade the intercom I just changed to dev and it worked for me.
Maybe you need to login via the webif again?
@d0np3p3 thx dont ask me how but i brute forced it to randomly start and work now Switched trough all kinds of debug levels and setting it to the samame a you had "ring-*" ( dont know it this was the default on installe ) it works now Finally unlock for the intercom for HA love this thing in general no running for the delivery driver just walk to the dorr and by the time he is up already
This was a good hint, though my intercom still can't be found :-(
I've run the ring-client-api.js
to get information, but it just shows: