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Tuya smoke detectors stopped working with 2024.2
The problem
The old Tuya integration supported smoke detectors. With the update they know only show their battery state, the smoke state is unavailable.
What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
Integration causing the issue
Link to integration documentation on our website
Diagnostics information
No response
Example YAML snippet
No response
Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
No response
Additional information
No response
Hey there @tuya, @zlinoliver, @frenck, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (tuya
) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!
Code owner commands
Code owners of tuya
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@home-assistant close
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@home-assistant rename Awesome new title
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@home-assistant reopen
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@home-assistant unassign tuya
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@home-assistant add-label needs-more-information
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@home-assistant remove-label needs-more-information
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(message by CodeOwnersMention)
tuya documentation tuya source (message by IssueLinks)
Can you attach a diagnostic download of your device to this issue?
Thanks! 👍
Hey frenck, what an honor :)
Attached the diagnostic file
Looking at your diagnostics, this the raw data what Tuya (their servers) provide us for your device right now:
"function": {},
"status_range": {
"battery_state": {
"type": "Enum",
"value": {
"range": [
"status": {
"battery_state": "high"
As you can see, it only contains a description of the possible states a battery can have, and finally the status with the current batter state (which is high).
Unfortunately, this is not something we can do anything about. We can't make up data or magically make information appear.
This is something you need to contact Tuya about.
Sorry, I wish I had a better message for you.
Understood but why did this work before the update with the developer account? I mean it's more comfortable to just authenticate HA by using the Tuya app and the QR code but if we lose functionality is this really the best option?
Understood but why did this work before the update with the developer account?
I don't know. Maybe Tuya does something different based on authentication? I can't tell. The only part that changed was the authentication.
Same here. I remember configuring something specific under my dev account to enable the smoke detector state.
Yeah, good point. You had to enable the "DP instruction" mode in the device details at to make it work.
@SmartHomeFanatic I think this issue for Smart Life (Beta) integration has same root cause as commented by Tuya developer:
HA does not support all functions here, only the standard instruction set of the device is supported. This device only support battery_state.
Not sure if this is actually HA issue, more likely new underlying library (tuya-device-sharing-sdk==0.1.9) does not support "DP Instruction" set, while previously used "tuya-iot-py-sdk==0.6.6" did support it.
That may be the case. But why are we going for another SDK then and force users to lose functionality? I am totally fine that the IoT account wasn't the best solution. I hated it myself for the need of extending the account but at least it worked. What now? Throwing the smoke detector in the bin and buy something else?
Why are there smoke detectors and other devices available that have the Tuya logo on their packaging that aren't 100% supported by their own SDK? I know that this might be one downside of buying cheap stuff (this is why I only have a hand full of Tuya devices) and this is no rant against HA (I have too much love for that) but why going for a solution that's not ready? There are so many new posted issues for the Tuya integration since the update.
Yeah, good point. You had to enable the "DP instruction" mode in the device details at to make it work.
the tuya-device-sharing-sdk has removed the Tuya cloud development workflow, allowing users to simply scan and log in using the app, The "DP instruction" mode depends on cloud projects, so Not supported for app users to use, In the next version, We will launch custom DP point development that supports non-standard DP points.
The device has a Tuya logo on its packaging and works perfectly fine within the Tuya app. Why are we talking about "non-standards"? This is something that had to be in the SDK right away.
One of my Tuya smoke detectors woke me up last night for absolutely no reason. I kinda expected it to be interconnected to the other ones I have but they were all silent.
Needless to say I'm probably going to replace them all for Zigbee or Z-wave ones.
DP instruction
This is because the product manufacturer did not define certain DP instructions as standard instruction sets, which is beyond our control.
I've posted a bug in tuya / home assistant core so if I wait for an update from tuya which probably will come.