addons copied to clipboard
OpenThread Border Router not working anymore
Describe the issue you are experiencing
OpenThread Border Router not working anymore
What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
Which operating system are you running on?
Home Assistant Operating System
Which add-on are you reporting an issue with?
OpenThread Border Router
What is the version of the add-on?
Steps to reproduce the issue
- Install OpenThread Border Router with a SONOFF_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_V2
System Health information
There are currently no repairs available
Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us?
No response
Anything in the add-on logs that might be useful for us?
[22:38:38] INFO: The otbr-web is disabled.
s6-rc: info: service mdns: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service mdns successfully started
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service banner: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
[22:38:38] INFO: Starting mDNS Responder...
Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Jan 5 2024 07:38:38) starting
Add-on: OpenThread Border Router
OpenThread Border Router add-on
Add-on version: 2.4.2
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 11.3 (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2024.1.2
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.12.0
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: starting
[22:38:41] INFO: Flashing firmware is disabled
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: starting
[22:38:42] INFO: Setup OTBR firewall...
[22:38:43] INFO: Starting otbr-agent...
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-27ed99f-dirty
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM1?uart-baudrate=460800
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: end0
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.033 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fde3:a3ba:48df::/48 (loaded)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.034 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fdb0:b576:5265:eab1::/64
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.147 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.161 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.232 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.234 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:8446:9bb6:dbbb:b5f9 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.235 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.236 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:d40f:b219:d370:701f failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.236 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.236 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:0:ff:fe00:ac00 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.236 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.238 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure successfully started
[22:38:44] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant.
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:27.525 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 ac00 -> fffe
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:27.527 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#8: Operation not supported
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:28.140 [N] Mle-----------: Attach attempt 1, AnyPartition reattaching with Active Dataset
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.141 [N] RouterTable---: Allocate router id 43
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.141 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 fffe -> ac00
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.143 [N] Mle-----------: Role detached -> leader
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.622 [N] Mle-----------: Partition ID 0x709fbc1a
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.672 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#9: File exists
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.673 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:0:ff:fe00:fc00 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.674 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-BBA-----: BackboneAgent: Backbone Router becomes Primary!
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.749 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:0:ff:fe00:fc38 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.749 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.753 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:0:ff:fe00:fc10 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:32.753 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:35.022 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fde3:a3ba:48df:1:bc57:f6af:1c52:f035 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:35.022 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:43.352 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd0c:e555:5a16:eafb:0:ff:fe00:fc11 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:43.352 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:03:44.197 [N] RouterTable---: Allocate router id 50
otbr-agent[177]: 00:03:44.270 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Child ID Response: Security
### Additional information
_No response_
Is that still observable with the latest 2.4.3 version? Do other people who observe this also see "Failed to process Child ID Response: Security"?
I have the latest version and still get the other errors, but not Failed to process Child ID Response: Security
I am also using the latest version, and also have some of the Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
messages mentioned.
But not the "Failed to process child id..." message.
OTBR does not work as a standalone addon and also not with the Silabs Multi Protocol Addon. I assume this is related?
So I have the OTBR 2.4.3 version on a x86-64 system installed here, and I have connected Matter devices which use that Thread network, and they seems to work fine. In other words, there is not a general issue with the latest add-on version.
Can you check if the problem indeed goes away when using an older version? You can use the Backup functionality to restore an older version of the add-on.
OTBR does not work as a standalone addon and also not with the Silabs Multi Protocol Addon. I assume this is related?
The OTBR can work as a standalone add-on. But you have to make sure to uninstall the Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on first, and disable ZHA to avoid interference. See also this guide.
Yes, I know. I have tried both different variants. Both with the same result.
Using HAOS in a Proxmox VM.
I have installed a fresh installation of HAOS on my Proxmox host as a VM. Only the OTBR addon is installed. The Sky Connect Stick is connected via USB passthrough.
Unfortunately the OTBR does not work. Here is the log of the addon.
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[18:57:30] INFO: Starting mDNS Responder...
Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Jan 9 2024 18:57:09) starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
Add-on: OpenThread Border Router
OpenThread Border Router add-on
Add-on version: 2.4.3
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 11.4 (amd64 / qemux86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2024.1.3
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.12.0
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: starting
[18:57:31] INFO: Checking /dev/ttyUSB0 identifying SkyConnect v1.0 from Nabu Casa.
[18:57:31] INFO: Starting universal-silabs-flasher with /dev/ttyUSB0
2024-01-15 18:57:32.070 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Extracted GBL metadata: NabuCasaMetadata(metadata_version=1, sdk_version='4.4.0', ezsp_version=None, ot_rcp_version='SL-OPENTHREAD/' (, fw_type=<FirmwareImageType.OT_RCP: 'ot-rcp'>, baudrate=460800)
2024-01-15 18:57:32.070 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.GECKO_BOOTLOADER at 115200 baud
2024-01-15 18:57:34.078 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.SPINEL at 460800 baud
2024-01-15 18:57:35.193 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Detected ApplicationType.SPINEL, version 'SL-OPENTHREAD/' ( at 460800 baudrate (bootloader baudrate None)
2024-01-15 18:57:35.193 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Firmware version 'SL-OPENTHREAD/' ( is flashed, not re-installing
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: starting
[18:57:35] INFO: Setup OTBR firewall...
[18:57:35] INFO: Starting otbr-agent...
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-657e775-dirty
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyUSB0?uart-baudrate=460800&uart-flow-control
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: trel://enp0s18
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: enp0s18
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.051 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fd1f:66c6:5592::/48 (loaded)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.051 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fd7f:ce8a:364:3384::/64
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.088 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.095 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.099 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.099 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:d41c:4da6:1d47:90e4 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:d532:8d6f:2883:5c78 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:0:ff:fe00:5800 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:00.100 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure successfully started
[18:57:36] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant.
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Resetting to Probing: 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Resetting to Probing: 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fd4e:71a3:92b:eff1:8749:fd0d:e258:bad8
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Resetting to Probing: 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fe80::ef0b:d0a:dfa6:f99f
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Resetting to Probing: 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Resetting to Probing: 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fe80::42:63ff:fe85:9728
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; restarting probing after 1024-tick pause due to possibly spurious multicast conflict (1/1) via interface -730790944 for 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; restarting probing after 1024-tick pause due to possibly spurious multicast conflict (1/1) via interface -730790944 for 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fd4e:71a3:92b:eff1:8749:fd0d:e258:bad8
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; restarting probing after 1024-tick pause due to possibly spurious multicast conflict (1/1) via interface -730790944 for 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fe80::ef0b:d0a:dfa6:f99f
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; restarting probing after 1024-tick pause due to possibly spurious multicast conflict (1/1) via interface -730766800 for 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; restarting probing after 1024-tick pause due to possibly spurious multicast conflict (1/1) via interface -730766800 for 16 homeassistant.local. AAAA fe80::42:63ff:fe85:9728
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 4 homeassistant.local. Addr
Default: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; will deregister 4 homeassistant.local. Addr due to multicast conflict via interface -730790944
Default: Local Hostname homeassistant.local already in use; will try homeassistant-2.local instead
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:27.529 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 5800 -> fffe
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:27.533 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#8: Operation not supported
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:28.113 [N] Mle-----------: Attach attempt 1, AnyPartition reattaching with Active Dataset
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.613 [N] RouterTable---: Allocate router id 22
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.613 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 fffe -> 5800
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.616 [N] Mle-----------: Role detached -> leader
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.616 [N] Mle-----------: Partition ID 0x102774bb
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.650 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#9: File exists
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.650 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:0:ff:fe00:fc00 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:34.650 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: [NOTE]-BBA-----: BackboneAgent: Backbone Router becomes Primary!
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:35.408 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:0:ff:fe00:fc38 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:35.408 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:35.409 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:0:ff:fe00:fc10 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:35.409 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:37.519 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd1f:66c6:5592:1:53c1:7982:9d64:1ad2 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:37.519 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:45.001 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd06:d649:5d9c:5007:0:ff:fe00:fc11 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:45.001 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
Same errors here, I had switched from the multi protocol to the pure thread version and get above errors. Also described here:
Mine is also a fresh install on a VM, with only the OTBR add-on installed. I initially thought it might be having issues doing IPv6 things on the VM bridge I created, so I gave it it's own network card via PCI passthrough and double-checked HAOS and the network side all looked correct, but it didn't seem to affect the errors.
Which Hypervisor are you using? Proxmox? Maybe a VM related issue?...
I'm using KVM on Ubuntu, but I just did a fresh install on bare metal Raspberry Pi 4B and have the exact same issue, so I don't think it's a VM issue.
I am running Home Assistant OS 11.4 + SkyConnect + 4.3.2 on a Fujitsu x86-64 machine here a nd the OTBR is running just fine, so there isn't a general issue.
Also note that I do get some of the errors as well (InvalidArgs, , but they do not seem to prevent the OTBR from working:
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-657e775-dirty
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyUSB0?uart-baudrate=460800&uart-flow-control
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: trel://enp1s0
otbr-agent[187]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: enp1s0
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.055 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fdf8:76ab:ebd6::/48 (loaded)
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.056 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fd2f:7fe0:dc78:8e15::/64
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.111 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.141 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.165 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.166 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:101e:c3e7:fb0f:c5a3 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.166 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.167 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd15:3b16:79a7:541a:2c35:a38e:4c3d:945d failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.168 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.168 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd15:3b16:79a7:541a:0:ff:fe00:1400 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.168 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[187]: 00:00:00.168 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
@fuomag9 (original poster) you reported this as a regression. Can you confirm that downgrading (using the backup) fixes the problem for you? You are saying "not working anymore" how does this manifest exactly?
For everyone else:
a) if this is a regression for you too (as in, downgrading from Backup fixes the problem again), please report your exact system configuration and the error. b) if you are running a fresh installation/you've had always problems with Thread, please open a new issue along with all details what your system configuraiton looks, what you trying to do and what the problems look like exactly.
@Feellthe ok thanks, your edited message is somewhat confusing since it has the original content still, but I take it that the SkyConnect based OTBR setup worked once you've enabled IPv6 on your Google Nest Pro WiFi router.
Yeah, I don't think those errors were my issue now, they were just the only lead I had.
Even with the errors, I did finally get my OTBR to let my NanoLeaf bulbs connect to my RasPi. But now I can't replicate it on my VM. I think I've replicated everything, except my RasPi still had a conflicting mDNS name (homeassistant.local) so it had to retry using a different mDNS (homeassistant-2.local). Everything else from what I can tell is the same. I've double checked all the IPv6 stuff, and it's all the same too. When trying to add devices it's saying it can't connect to the thread network, even though it just did for the identically configured one on my RasPi. 🤕
(I'm using Matter Add-In Beta version, debug version of companion app with the matter IPv6 fix if that effects anything)
if you are running a fresh installation/you've had always problems with Thread, please open a new issue
I fall in this category. This issue has all the details. As far as I can tell, there is no way to get OTBR functionality working on HA with the latest add-on.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
Hello same kinds of problem here with SONOFF zdongle-e flashed with ot-rcp-v2.4.1.0-zbdonglee-460800.gbl firmware and OTBR 2.5.0. Errors are the following:
[01:12:37] INFO: Web UI and REST API port are exposed, starting otbr-web.
s6-rc: info: service mdns: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service mdns successfully started
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service banner: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
[01:12:37] INFO: Starting mDNS Responder...
Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Feb 29 2024 14:39:08) starting
Add-on: OpenThread Border Router
OpenThread Border Router add-on
Add-on version: 2.5.0
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 12.1 (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2024.3.1
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.03.0
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: starting
[01:12:39] INFO: Flashing firmware is disabled
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: starting
[01:12:41] INFO: Starting otbr-agent...
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-2279c02-dirty
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0?uart-baudrate=460800
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: trel://end0
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: end0
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.022 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fd5a:9774:7ee0::/48 (loaded)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.026 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fdd8:7f2b:dea5:eb3b::/64
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.067 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.073 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.123 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.156 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.157 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:f89d:d8c5:ae4d:566d failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.157 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.158 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:dc6f:30cb:1060:a388 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.159 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.159 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:b800 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.159 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:00.160 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-web: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-web successfully started
[01:12:41] INFO: Starting otbr-web...
otbr-web[229]: [INFO]-WEB-----: Running 0.3.0-2279c02-dirty
otbr-web[229]: [INFO]-WEB-----: Border router web started on wpan0
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure successfully started
[01:12:42] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant.
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:26.790 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 b800 -> fffe
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:27.503 [N] Mle-----------: Attach attempt 1, AnyPartition reattaching with Active Dataset
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.004 [N] RouterTable---: Allocate router id 46
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.004 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 fffe -> b800
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.006 [N] Mle-----------: Role detached -> leader
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.006 [N] Mle-----------: Partition ID 0x485007a0
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.021 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.040 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:b800 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.040 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.048 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.098 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.098 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[167]: [NOTE]-BBA-----: BackboneAgent: Backbone Router becomes Primary!
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.101 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:fc38 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.101 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.104 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:fc10 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:34.104 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:35.656 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:36.235 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:36.259 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd5a:9774:7ee0:1:bc4e:58f5:236:dbf failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:36.259 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:44.556 [W] Platform------: Failed to update ipsets: Failed
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:44.558 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda6:d78c:e856:ac0:0:ff:fe00:fc11 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[167]: 00:00:44.558 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
Each time I try to pair a device (Nanoleaf Essentials and Nuki V4), i've got an error saying that a Thread Border Router is necessary.
Any help to get rid of this ?
It is working as expected with SONOFF in multipan rcp + Silabs multiprotocol + Thread (HA) + Matter (HA). Something is weird with the ot-rcp firmware, I guess.
i've got an error saying that a Thread Border Router is necessary.
This sounds like you did not synchronize credentials (see also
Something is weird with the ot-rcp firmware, I guess.
ot-rcp firmware on SkyConnect is working fine here. Again, if it is just the above message, you did not synchronize the credentials. After doing that step, things should work with ot-rcp as well.
I'm pretty sure I have synchronized the credentials from the companion app. When I switch to Silab multiprotocol it began to works immediatly without tweeking credentials on the app. But I do so many tests, i'm not totally sure of that.
I read this:
The OpenThread Border Router add-on (as well as the OpenThread Border Router bundled in the experimental Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on) are built from this open source OpenThread code and have the REST API enabled
I understand that with Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on, the OTBR used is not the one installed in HA but an OTBR which is embedded to the add-on. Is my understanding correct ? So I think we should uninstall the OTBR add-on before installing the Silab multiprotocol. I'm not sure I have done this during the various tests I have done.
Thanks for the infos , I don't have that in mind.
Will try to switch to the ot-rcp firmware (on Sonoff) in a few day.
I'm pretty sure I have synchronized the credentials from the companion app. When I switch to Silab multiprotocol it began to works immediatly without tweeking credentials on the app. But I do so many tests, i'm not totally sure of that.
I read this:
The OpenThread Border Router add-on (as well as the OpenThread Border Router bundled in the experimental Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on) are built from this open source OpenThread code and have the REST API enabled
I understand that with Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on, the OTBR used is not the one installed in HA but an OTBR which is embedded to the add-on. Is my understanding correct ? So I think we should uninstall the OTBR add-on before installing the Silab multiprotocol. I'm not sure I have done this during the various tests I have done.
Thanks for the infos , I don't have that in mind.
Will try to switch to the ot-rcp firmware (on Sonoff) in a few day.
I had an issue with credentials when I was switching around networks. The syncing didn't seem to work. I had to completely clear the storage for Google Play Services each time before they would sync over. I'd give that a try if it works for one network but not the other.
I understand that with Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on, the OTBR used is not the one installed in HA but an OTBR which is embedded to the add-on. Is my understanding correct ? So I think we should uninstall the OTBR add-on before installing the Silab multiprotocol. I'm not sure I have done this during the various tests I have done.
Technically, both add-on can be installed, but they should not be running both at the same time. Make sure that one is always disabled. However, there can be only one OTBR integration on Home Assistant Core side. And they get added/removed on add-on install/uninstall through the Supervisor/Core discovery mechanism. You can manually switch the OTBR integration between the two, but that needs manually adding them with the right URL (core-...
Long story short: Easiest is to just have only one them installed :sweat_smile:
I had an issue with credentials when I was switching around networks. The syncing didn't seem to work. I had to completely clear the storage for Google Play Services each time before they would sync over. I'd give that a try if it works for one network but not the other.
@azerioxal you likely run into this issue:
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
Same here
Same here
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
Whenever I enable the openthread border router in the Si Labs Multiprotocol addon the addon will crash/ docker instance dies after a while (< one day)
I would migrate to the regular OpenThread border router addon. Multi-PAN is not stable for everyone.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
I don't experiment the issue anymore since maybe two months.