Thank you for the fast reply. ## Versions Jitsi-Meet Version: 1.0.6260 Prosody: 0.11.10 Java: 14.0.2 ## Log output ``` Jun 25, 2022 5:44:33 PM org.jitsi.impl.osgi.framework.BundleImpl start INFO: Starting activator org.jitsi.service.libjitsi.LibJitsiActivator...
Changing to G711 did not work. The caller still had no audio.
I will try to install java 11 instead of 14 and test if I can reproduce it.
We need support for translating the app into english and french
Hi @tseeling, in the beginning, we had the same questions in a similar use case in Germany. Therefore, we developed another Open Source Project to protect the conferences. Maybe the...
@emrahcom That was the case in the previous version. In the latest, I don't know if it is working. You cloud add the user recoder@.... in prosody as admin. Then...
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@enoch85 I wrote my entire new because there are variables inside that would break jigasi after the upgrade. Use the default configuration and your values there.
@enoch85 Correct. To get it to work with our SIP, I added this codecs ``` ``` acc1 is the long acc1xxxxx number you have...