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Param method API plan for 2.0

Open jbednar opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

For Param 2.0, we have a chance to make API improvements that we've been building up to for some time. These were described in and issues linked to that, but this new issue will be focused on the changes we will actually make for 2.0, not just ones we think might be nice but won't get to. Here we'll focus specifically on what to do with the methods on Parameterized and on the param subobject of Parameterized, which dominate the namespace of a Parameterized object. Everything listed by dir(param.Parameterized()) and dir(param.Parameterized().param) is included below, along with a disposition using the following key:


  • dunder: Pre-existing (though sometimes overridden) magic Python internal methods, that API is generally fixed and not up for discussion.
  • private: Private API that should stay private. Might not be great API, but also not part of this discussion.
  • delete: Deprecated API that should be deleted for v2.0.
  • makeprivate: Rename to a private method
  • makepublic: Rename to a public method
  • rename: Rename on current object
  • move: Move to a different object
  • keep: Plan to keep as-is.
  • add: Add new functionality (not actually in dir() currently)
  • Options for Done: N/A (no action needed), deprecated (marked deprecated but not yet removed), PR# (where changed)
Done? Disposition name Notes
N/A dunder .__class__
N/A dunder .__delattr__
N/A dunder .__dict__
N/A dunder .__dir__
N/A dunder .__doc__
N/A dunder .__eq__
N/A dunder .__format__
N/A dunder .__ge__
N/A dunder .__getattribute__
N/A dunder .__getstate__
N/A dunder .__gt__
N/A dunder .__hash__
N/A dunder .__init__
N/A dunder .__init_subclass__
N/A dunder .__le__
N/A dunder .__lt__
N/A dunder .__module__
N/A dunder .__ne__
N/A dunder .__new__
N/A dunder .__reduce__
N/A dunder .__reduce_ex__
N/A dunder .__repr__
N/A dunder .__setattr__
N/A dunder .__setstate__
N/A dunder .__sizeof__
N/A dunder .__str__
N/A dunder .__subclasshook__
N/A dunder .__weakref__
N/A dunder .param.__class__
N/A dunder .param.__contains__
N/A dunder .param.__delattr__
N/A dunder .param.__dict__
N/A dunder .param.__dir__
N/A dunder .param.__doc__
N/A dunder .param.__eq__
N/A dunder .param.__format__
N/A dunder .param.__ge__
N/A dunder .param.__getattr__
N/A dunder .param.__getattribute__
N/A dunder .param.__getitem__
N/A dunder .param.__gt__
N/A dunder .param.__hash__
N/A dunder .param.__init__
N/A dunder .param.__init_subclass__
N/A dunder .param.__iter__
N/A dunder .param.__le__
N/A dunder .param.__lt__
N/A dunder .param.__module__
N/A dunder .param.__ne__
N/A dunder .param.__new__
N/A dunder .param.__reduce__
N/A dunder .param.__reduce_ex__
N/A dunder .param.__repr__
N/A dunder .param.__setattr__
N/A dunder .param.__setstate__
N/A dunder .param.__sizeof__
N/A dunder .param.__str__
N/A dunder .param.__subclasshook__
N/A dunder .param.__weakref__
N/A private ._Parameterized__db_print Move some of these to .param?
N/A private ._Parameterized__params
N/A private ._instance__params
N/A private ._name_param_value
N/A private ._param
N/A private ._param_watchers
N/A private ._parameters_state
N/A private ._set_name
N/A private .param._BATCH_WATCH
N/A private .param._Parameters__db_print
N/A private .param._TRIGGER
N/A private .param._batch_call_watchers
N/A private .param._call_watcher
N/A private .param._changed
N/A private .param._disable_stubs
N/A private .param._events
N/A private .param._execute_watcher
N/A private .param._generate_name
N/A private .param._instantiate_param
N/A private .param._set_name
N/A private .param._setup_params
N/A private .param._spec_to_obj
N/A private .param._update_event_type
N/A private .param._watch
N/A keep .name This object's name Parameter
N/A keep .param Parameters accessor
N/A keep .param.cls Pointer to the owning Parameterized class
N/A keep .param.self Pointer to the owning Parameterized instance, if any
N/A keep .param.self_or_cls Pointer to .param.self if an instance, else .param.cls
N/A keep .param.deserialize_parameters
N/A keep .param.deserialize_value
N/A keep .param.serialize_parameters
N/A keep .param.serialize_value
N/A keep .param.schema
N/A keep .param.outputs
N/A keep .param.pprint
N/A keep .param.trigger
N/A keep .param.unwatch
N/A keep
N/A keep .param.watch_values
N/A keep .param.objects
#559 keep .param._watchers Also made public as a read-only property .param.watchers
#556 keep .param.warning Keep as alias for .log(param.WARNING, ...), to support warnings module later
deprecated delete .param.debug Use .param.log(param.DEBUG, ...) instead
deprecated delete .param.verbose Use .param.log(param.VERBOSE, ...) instead
deprecated delete .param.message Use .param.log(param.INFO, ...) instead
deprecated delete ._add_parameter
deprecated delete .debug
deprecated delete .defaults
deprecated delete .force_new_dynamic_value
deprecated delete .get_param_values
deprecated delete .get_value_generator
deprecated delete .inspect_value
deprecated delete .message
deprecated delete .params
deprecated delete .print_param_defaults
deprecated delete .print_param_values
deprecated delete .set_default
deprecated delete .set_dynamic_time_fn
deprecated delete .set_param
deprecated delete .verbose
deprecated delete .warning
deprecated delete .script_repr
#559 delete .param.defaults Used once in HoloViews
#559 delete .param.deprecate
#559 delete .param.print_param_defaults
#559 delete .param.print_param_values
#559 delete .param.set_default
#559 delete .param.params
#559 makepublic .param._add_parameter Rename to .param.add_parameter
#559 rename .param.params_depended_on Rename .param.method_dependencies
#558 rename .param.set_param Rename to .param.update ; match Python semantics ; Add note: # PARAM2_DEPRECATION: Remove backwards hack
#559 rename .param.get_param_values Replaced with .param.values (same but returns dict); get_param_values deprecated but used extensively in Panel and HoloViews and shouldn't warn until those usages are deleted.
#558 add .values Dictionary accessor for name:value pairs, accepting onlychanged=True option to see only changed
#556 add .param.log Add .log and recommend for new code instead of .debug, .verbose, .message
#559 add .param.watchers Read-only property for .param._watchers
#559 makeprivate .pprint Rename to _pprint and deprecate pprint
makeprivate .state_pop
makeprivate .state_push
makeprivate .initialized Rename ._initialized (make private)
move .param.force_new_dynamic_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.get_value_generator Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.inspect_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.set_dynamic_time_fn Move to Parameter, not Parameterized

jbednar avatar Oct 07 '21 23:10 jbednar

Just two notes to ensure a smooth transition since various users may in fact be using the private API for these:

  1. For .param._add_parameter I'd go through a deprecation cycle (i.e. keep the private version but warn that it was made public)
  2. For .param._watchers I'd keep the private attribute and just expose it as a public .param.watchers property

philippjfr avatar Oct 08 '21 09:10 philippjfr

Could we obfuscate more _param under param.Parameterized? Even if it's private API it seems to be the one that would most likely clash with user code.

It would actually be nice if the private API under param.Parameterized would follow the same convention, e.g. _Parameterized__xxx.

maximlt avatar Oct 08 '21 10:10 maximlt

  1. For .param._add_parameter I'd go through a deprecation cycle (i.e. keep the private version but warn that it was made public)

I'm leaning towards just doing _add_parameter = add_parameter so that no one will get a warning for now, but then to have it as a to-do item to update the HoloViz projects that might use _add_parameter. Once those are done and released we could start warning.

Sounds good.

It would actually be nice if the private API under param.Parameterized would follow the same convention, e.g. _Parameterized__xxx.

Sounds like a good idea, with the goal of namespace cleanup. Formally not part of this group of tasks, but I guess may as well be done at the same time, so people only have to update code once (if indeed they are relying on private API).

jbednar avatar Oct 08 '21 20:10 jbednar

Looking the behavior of param main right now (v1.13.0-17-gaa484c4), there still seems to be work left to achieve the dispositions stated above (ignoring dunder and private attributes so I don't go insane):

Done? Disposition name Notes
#559 makeprivate .pprint Rename to _pprint and deprecate pprint
deprecated delete .script_repr
makeprivate .state_pop
makeprivate .state_push
#745 makeprivate .initialized Rename ._initialized (make private)
deprecated delete .param.debug Use .param.log(param.DEBUG, ...) instead
deprecated delete .param.verbose Use .param.log(param.VERBOSE, ...) instead
deprecated delete .param.message Use .param.log(param.INFO, ...) instead
#559 delete .param.defaults Used once in HoloViews
#559 delete .param.print_param_defaults
#559 delete .param.print_param_values
#559 delete .param.set_default
#559 delete .param.params
#559 rename .param.params_depended_on Rename .param.method_dependencies
#558 rename .param.set_param Rename to .param.update ; match Python semantics ; Add note: # PARAM2_DEPRECATION: Remove backwards hack
#559 rename .param.get_param_values Replaced with .param.values (same but returns dict); get_param_values deprecated but used extensively in Panel and HoloViews and shouldn't warn until those usages are deleted.
move .param.force_new_dynamic_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.get_value_generator Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.inspect_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
move .param.set_dynamic_time_fn Move to Parameter, not Parameterized

Presumably we need to merge #745 or something like it, plus remove, move, or make the others private as indicated. Or are some of these meant to be deprecated for 2.0 and then deleted in 2.1?

jbednar avatar May 12 '23 19:05 jbednar

@jbednar I have updated your table, adding a first column with my comments and actions:

  • Priority 1 was to clean up the Parameterized namespace to avoid name clashes, this is on going work in #766 and #767. I looked through all the holoviz repos + examples for usage of .pprint or ._pprint and found none, so I decided to remove them all together, using .param.pprint() was the recommendation in the Version 1.12.0 release notes. The same search showed no usage of .script_repr that will be deleted. Instead of just deleting .state_pop in favor of ._state_pop, I decided to move it (and .state_push) to .param._state_pop. Finally .initialized should move under a private namespace.
  • Priority 2 was not to break users that didn't realize many methods of the .param namespace were planned for removal. Unfortunately we found out recently that despite .param methods being deprecated for a long time, some deprecated methods were still in use in the HoloViz code sources. We can easily expect other Param users not to have updated their code. As such we decided not to remove them but to deprecate them first programmatically. They will be removed in a future version, that was suggested to be Param 3.0, but I think that it could happen before as the deprecation were announced (in the release notes) in Param 1.x (that's what a lawyer would say I guess!). The feedback on this all is: deprecating an API needs to be accompanied with a programmatic message.
  • No action was taken yet for methods like .param.force_new_dynamic_value, .param.get_value_generator, etc. as they haven't even yet been deprecated in previous release notes and are still documented. Because of that it seems to me moving this API is no longer tied to the release of Param 2.0.
MLT Done? Disposition name Notes
.pprint and ._pprint will be deleted in #767 #559 makeprivate .pprint Rename to _pprint and deprecate pprint
Will be deleted in #767 deprecated delete .script_repr
Will be moved to .param._state_pop in #767 makeprivate .state_pop
Will be moved to ._param._state_push in #767 makeprivate .state_push
Will be moved to private namespace in #766 #745 makeprivate .initialized Rename ._initialized (make private)
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X deprecated delete .param.debug Use .param.log(param.DEBUG, ...) instead
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in a future version deprecated delete .param.verbose Use .param.log(param.VERBOSE, ...) instead
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in a future version deprecated delete .param.message Use .param.log(param.INFO, ...) instead
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 delete .param.defaults Used once in HoloViews
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 delete .param.print_param_defaults
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 delete .param.print_param_values
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 delete .param.set_default
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 delete .param.params
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 rename .param.params_depended_on Rename .param.method_dependencies
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #558 rename .param.set_param Rename to .param.update ; match Python semantics ; Add note: # PARAM2_DEPRECATION: Remove backwards hack
deprecated programmatically in #734, will be removed in version X #559 rename .param.get_param_values Replaced with .param.values (same but returns dict); get_param_values deprecated but used extensively in Panel and HoloViews and shouldn't warn until those usages are deleted.
not even deprecated in previous release notes, still documented => can wait for post param 2.0 move .param.force_new_dynamic_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
not even deprecated in previous release notes, still documented => can wait for post param 2.0 move .param.get_value_generator Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
not even deprecated in previous release notes, still documented => can wait for post param 2.0 move .param.inspect_value Move to Parameter, not Parameterized
not even deprecated in previous release notes, still documented => can wait for post param 2.0 move .param.set_dynamic_time_fn Move to Parameter, not Parameterized

maximlt avatar Jun 20 '23 16:06 maximlt

Ok, that all sounds good to me. Thanks!

jbednar avatar Jun 21 '23 01:06 jbednar

I believe that this issue can be closed for now, all the removals that were reasonable enough were made. Many deprecation warnings are now in place, we will need to decide when exactly they should happen, that's for future discussion.

maximlt avatar Jul 13 '23 22:07 maximlt