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Regression: Names of Parameterized options not used as labels of Selectors

Open MarcSkovMadsen opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments

Panel 0.13.1

import panel as pn


selection = pn.widgets.RadioBoxGroup(value=component1, options=[component1, component2])




I would expect "Value1" and "Value2" to be shown as labels. It used to be like that and it was simple and powerful.

MarcSkovMadsen avatar Jul 12 '22 19:07 MarcSkovMadsen

Even if it worked before, I'm not sure it should actually have, as I find this usage as shown in the example pretty confusing. Do you have a more specific use case in mind that would motivate supporting that?

maximlt avatar Jul 19 '22 22:07 maximlt

I can't think of any mechanism that would have allowed this to work in the past tbh. I'm -0 on supporting this, I think it's not unreasonable to support but it seems of very limited utility. The .object of a pane is very rarely something that would make sense as an option label (e.g. what happens for non-string types and what happens if the string is very long). It does seem better to be explicit about the actual label.

philippjfr avatar Jul 20 '22 09:07 philippjfr

Also just tested all Panel versions in the 0.11.x, 0.12.x series as well as 0.13.0 and this has never worked as far as I can tell. Therefore I'm going to close as invalid.

philippjfr avatar Jul 20 '22 09:07 philippjfr

The reason why I also think this is wrong is that the .object of a pane is mutable. If you update it and the label does not also update it is very confusing.

philippjfr avatar Jul 20 '22 09:07 philippjfr

Was this maybe the intent of the original post?

import panel as pn

component1=pn.panel("Value1", name="V1")
component2=pn.panel("Value2", name="V2")

selection = pn.widgets.RadioBoxGroup(value=component1, options=[component1, component2])


In that case I would have expected name to be used as the option label, but it isn't:


jbednar avatar Jul 21 '22 23:07 jbednar

I don't know if using name= is something we want to promote. name= is used as the label for many widgets and there's been discussion (e.g. to migrate to title=.

maximlt avatar Jul 22 '22 09:07 maximlt

Sure, but it's worth checking if it used to work this way...

jbednar avatar Jul 22 '22 11:07 jbednar

I've checked panel==0.10.0/ param==1.9.3 with this example

import param
import panel as pn

class MyClass(param.Parameterized):
    value = param.Number()

options = [
    MyClass(name="obj1"), MyClass(name="obj2")


It does not work.

I simply don't understand it. In my head I've used that so many times :-)

I would still argue it is very valuable to support and very much in line with how the Parameter Subobjects example works for parameterized classes and how Tabs works. I would very much appreciate you reconsider @philippjfr. It would make using widgets to select between parameterized objects/ subcomponents much easier that having to construct a dictionary and hand that around together with the objects.

Parameter Subobjects

import param
import panel as pn

options = [pn.panel("Value1", name="value1"), pn.panel("Value2", name="value2")]

class MyOptionsClass(param.Parameterized):
    value = param.Selector(objects=options)

my_options = MyOptionsClass()

pn.Param(my_options, widgets={"value": pn.widgets.RadioBoxGroup}, expand_button=False).servable()



import panel as pn

options = [pn.panel("Value1", name="value1"), pn.panel("Value2", name="value2")]



MarcSkovMadsen avatar Jul 22 '22 16:07 MarcSkovMadsen

Wait, that example is very different from the example you had posted originally. I fully agree that the name parameter should be used.

philippjfr avatar Jul 22 '22 16:07 philippjfr

I'm using the other examples because I believe they are all should behave similar using the name parameter.

I guess I thought the widgets would use the name parameter by default because I've been using the param.Selector and pn.Param so much. I thought it was the widget that used the name parameter by default. But it seems Param does the magic.

MarcSkovMadsen avatar Jul 22 '22 17:07 MarcSkovMadsen

Ahh. I forgot the

Was this maybe the intent of the original post?

import panel as pn

component1=pn.panel("Value1", name="V1")
component2=pn.panel("Value2", name="V2")

selection = pn.widgets.RadioBoxGroup(value=component1, options=[component1, component2])


In that case I would have expected name to be used as the option label, but it isn't:


Yes. This was the initial example I would like to display the value of the name parameter. But it looks like


MarcSkovMadsen avatar Jul 22 '22 17:07 MarcSkovMadsen

Ah, ok. You confused us all with an apparently actual issue with an accurate issue title but the wrong code snippet. :-) I too think it used to say V1 where it now says Markdown(str, name='V1'), and V1 seems much more appropriate.

jbednar avatar Jul 22 '22 21:07 jbednar