examples copied to clipboard
Visualization-focused examples of using HoloViz for specific topics
Reapplies fixes from #194 which were later reverted to fix the website. *BEWARE*: Please be careful when working on this PR to avoid leaving https://pyviz-dev.github.io/examples/ in a broken state as...
This wasn't being run presumably resulting in the archives never getting updated.
Continuing on from the CI fixes in https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/pull/188, this PR aims to update the website and projects, deploying them and locking them as necessary. ## Updates * [x] Apply the...
In Gull tracking (see latest version in #167), anaconda-project run gives the following error: ERROR:tornado.application:Uncaught exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/adavis/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/http1connection.py", line 689, in _read_chunked_body await ret File...
A project in this repo consists of a directory at the top level containing various notebooks along with an anaconda-project.yml file that specifies the environment plus possibly multiple commands (e.g....
It's all kinds of messed up: - [ ] Way too much whitespace - [ ] Why two thumbnails on one row, then another on a new row?? Shouldn't they...
Deployments from this repository are running on an AE5 instance using Kubernetes and are monitored by a variety of means: 1. Kubernetes monitors each deployment automatically, restarting it if it...
In the version of the census notebook in #166, I removed the deprecated `datashader.spatial` import and therefore had to find an alternative to `spatial.read_parquet()` for the second cell. I tried...
Running the next-to-last cell in the Voila GPX viewer notebook for any of the examples gives the following error: `Exception: Cannot retrieve http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/Eurasia/N45E006.hgt.zip.` This seems to be a problem with...
In #167, when running the Seattle lidar notebook, the cell `%time dataset = df_merc.compute()` gives the following error: `distributed.protocol.core - CRITICAL - Failed to Serialize.` When the cell `dask.distributed.Client()` is...