UX Hololeo

Results 13 comments of UX Hololeo

this may also be helpful ``` Requires JS-interop to access browser and JS APIs # To support compilation to Wasm, Dart has shifted how it enables interop with browser and...

errors encountered by @ndonkoHenri https://github.com/ndonkoHenri/test-flet-github-actions/actions/runs/8772266592/job/24071006981#step:6:656 ``` package:flet/src/controls/checkbox.dart => package:flet/src/controls/cupertino_checkbox.dart => package:flet/src/controls/list_tile.dart => package:flet/src/utils/text.dart => package:flet/src/utils/launch_url.dart => package:flet/src/utils/platform_utils_web.dart => dart:html ... /home/runner/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/package_info_plus-4.2.0/lib/src/package_i nfo_plus_web.dart:2:8: Error: Dart library 'dart:html' is not available on...

intresting. though i dont think its a duplicate of #3056 because this request optimization of the flet build web process. with flet build web --wasm we are getting close to...