I agree @AmIBeingObtuse. @louislam I think the compose.yaml and other documentation should be updated to reflect this.
> an error that `/volume1/@appdata/ContainerManager'` is not empty Appears to be occuring during a move operation as well: 
Yes, I get that internal to the container/compose the mapping needs to be updated.
So this is the error I'm seeing when I try to delete/remove a container now: `sudo docker rm -f wud Password: Error response from daemon: container 0ae2b262a503d1fd009bc0123a874420602e4d7e61f375db282da170ce9604ac: driver "btrfs" failed...
> Did you answer yes to backup `@docker` folder when the script asked if you wanted to back it up? Yes, I did. But it was unclear to me how...
volume1 This is where it is right now. Been at this point a long time: 
I downloaded your pre-release 3.0.38. Evidently I did not backup....
> It should only takes seconds to move `@appstore/ContainerManager`. The next step would have been moving `@docker` (which can take hours if you have a lot of container images). >...
Okay.... > Did you backup `@docker` with v3 just now, or before you first moved container manager with v2? Before my first move with v2. > What do these commands...
I'm getting nothing from the above. Just hangs. I think I'm at the point of nuking CM, reformatting the vol2 ssd's and starting fresh. Not great. Not terrible.