
Results 131 comments of holmesworcester

Another optional thing we can do here is to consider #2442

I think it will be a bit more production-ready if we start the upload whenever the user arrives at the "add members" screen with the invite link, since that's roughly...

One question: how does uploaded invite data interact with previously-uploaded data? Some options I can see for this stage: 1. Each invite data "bundle" has its own URL, which corresponds...

Here's some work in progress: https://www.figma.com/file/y8h6w8PYR9jyI3zjYHL9Cl/Mobile-%2B-desktop-%2B-prototypes?type=design&node-id=1427-34497&mode=design&t=qxsYkljhpdNnRgwz-0 ... But in the course of that work I had a better idea: When people join the community, we can tell them on the...

User already has Quiet: [https://www.figma.com/proto/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B[…]in-zoom&starting-point-node-id=828%3A7427&show-proto-sidebar=1](https://www.figma.com/proto/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B-connection-type-(server%2FTor)?page-id=811%3A8597&type=design&node-id=828-7427&viewport=163%2C76%2C0.13&t=C2TeAUh2aZdjjhzE-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=828%3A7427&show-proto-sidebar=1) User doesn't have Quiet: [https://www.figma.com/proto/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B[…]n-zoom&starting-point-node-id=819%3A11528&show-proto-sidebar=1](https://www.figma.com/proto/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B-connection-type-(server%2FTor)?page-id=811%3A8597&type=design&node-id=819-11528&viewport=163%2C76%2C0.13&t=C2TeAUh2aZdjjhzE-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=819%3A11528&show-proto-sidebar=1) And here is the flow for creating community with QSS (mockups only, not clickable prototypes): [https://www.figma.com/file/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B-[…]type=design&node-id=811-20890&mode=design&t=qmX2Z8BWj2B8uv98-4](https://www.figma.com/file/8gOWYuzQPydMmIb09Cz8gh/Community-joining%2Fcreating-%2B-connection-type-(server%2FTor)?type=design&node-id=811-20890&mode=design&t=qmX2Z8BWj2B8uv98-4)

~~Here's what our RFC says: ~~ ~~To invite users, clients gather essential community metadata (users, channels, keys, peer info) put it on the server with an expiration equal to the...

I think we should upload duplicate data. In future work we'll have a TTL so that it expires when the client wants it to. And if we want to let...

We have discussed this issue a bit, but I think it works as is and is good to proceed on. @leblowl any objections?

@Kacper-RF @siepra @EmiM any thoughts on the best way to do this? When I looked at this, it looked like the best thing to do would be to have 'color'...

@adrastaea sorry for wobbling on this, but let's include message data.